Aim: Trace Martin Luther’s Role in the Movement to Reform the Catholic Church
Causes of the Reformation By 10th Century, Roman Catholic Church had come to dominate religious life in Europe Church had not won universal approval People criticized its practices 1500- Additional forces weakened the Church Renaissance emphasis on the secular and the individual challenged church authority Printing Press spread secular ideas Critics of the Church claimed that its leaders were corrupt Popes patronized the arts Spent extravagantly on personal pleasures Popes were too busy to have time for spiritual duties 2
Martin Luther Challenges the Church 1517- Martin Luther (Teacher & Monk) took public stand against actions of Church Raising money by selling Indulgences (Pardon) Released sinners from penalty that priests imposed on sinners Church gave impression that people could buy way into Heaven Wrote 95 Theses Formal statements attacking the Church 10/31/1517, posted statements to door of Castle Church in Wittenberg Someone copied statements Actions began the Reformation Movement for religious reform 3
Luther’s Teachings Luther eventually wanted full reform of the Church Teachings rested on 3 ideas: 1) People could win salvation only by faith in God’s gift of forgiveness 2) All Church teachings should be clearly based on the words of the Bible 3) All people with faith were equal. Therefore, people did not need priests to interpret the Bible for them 4