CSC 492 – Senior Design – Spring 2019 Teaming Class 2 Notes – Section 4 CSC 492 – Senior Design – Spring 2019 Ms. Margaret Heil Director Dr. David Sturgill Technical Advisor Mr. Brantley Collins TA
Class 2 Topics & Activities Teaming Exercise Meetings: Agendas & Minutes Ground Rules Team Roles Leadership
Team Exercise
Team “A Team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.” The Wisdom of Teams, Creating the High-Performance Organization Katzenbach & Smith, 1993
Sponsor Meeting Prep
Team Meetings Guided by an agenda Purposeful Recorded using minutes
Agenda Best when distributed prior to meeting Helps team members to: Prepare Control Maintain focus Sample agenda on course website
Agenda Contains information about the meeting: When Where Begin – end time Purpose & topics Who will talk about what Time allotted for each topic Extra materials
Meeting Details Provide an agenda before meeting Know and state the purpose of meeting Determine and state desired outcome of meeting Define time limits Plan on time for consensus-building Assign a recorder to write and distribute minutes
Meeting Details Assign tasks Leave time to evaluate the meeting Plan agenda for the next meeting
Meeting Minutes Record of team discussions & decisions Record of task assignments & assignees Used as a communication tool Sample on course website
Sponsor Meeting Action Items Research sponsor & problem Formulate questions Prepare agenda – send rough draft to Ms. Heil (mrh) Don't forget introductions Clarify resources needed Explore requirements Ask the questions! Appoint a recorder
Ground Rules: A Common Work Approach Guidelines Agreed Upon by Entire Team Used to Manage Decision Making & Conflicts Dynamic Define Roles Post Electronically Review Often at Meetings
Sample Ground Rules 1. Prepare Agendas for Each Meeting. 2. Be on Time. 3. Be Open to What Other Team Members Have to Say. 4. Support Participation from All. 5. Take Minutes - Rotate Responsibility. 6. Follow Agenda. 7. When Conflicts Arise, Follow These Rules: - Acknowledge that a problem exists. - Examine problem. - Explore alternatives. - Decide on most appropriate alternative.
Team Roles - Team Software Process Team Leader Development Manager Planning Manager Quality/Process Manager Support Manager
Team Roles - Technical Function Coordinator of Requirements Analysis Design Implementation Testing & Usability Documentation
Team Roles - Generic Managerial Rotate Throughout Semester, If Possible Team Leader [Information Technology (I/T) Lead] Team Facilitator Team Member
Team Leader/Facilitator Conducts Team Meetings Encourages Participation by All Team Members Ensures That Meeting Minutes are Taken Leads Team in Decision Making Processes Keeps Team Focused on Purpose or Task Ensures Project File Maintenance
Team Leader/Facilitator, Continued Resolves Conflicts per Ground Rules Clarifies & Summarizes Key Points of Meetings Combines Ideas of Team Members to Help Reach Consensus Sometimes Makes Final Decision Updates Task Plan
Team Member Participates in Meetings & Decisions Makes Suggestions Clarifies Ideas Freely Asks for Clarification Helps to Establish & Follow Ground Rules Completes Tasks Prepares Presentations & Reports Records Minutes Evaluates Team Meetings