Ch. 15 Section 1 Cold War Notes


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Presentation transcript:

Ch. 15 Section 1 Cold War Notes

What is the Cold War? Era of confrontation between the U.S. and the Soviet Union without actual, direct war of bloodshed from 1946-1990.

Why did the Cold War occur? A. U.S. & Soviet Union had fundamentally different governments & economic systems. U.S. System A. Democracy: The People vote and have power in government. B. Market Economy/Capitalism/Free Enterprise: The people can own resources & businesses; Make own economic decisions. 2. Soviet System A. Communism: The government controls resources & businesses. Individuals are not allowed to own their own property. Only 1 political party; typically a dictatorship. 3. These differences had been set aside to fight Hitler. Once Hitler was gone, they no longer had anything in common.

Yalta Conference 1. Soviet Union, United States, Great Britain. 2. Roosevelt and Churchill agreed to: recognize the Polish govt. set up by the Soviets. 3. Stalin agreed to: hold free elections as soon as possible and to include members of prewar Poland to their government.

Potsdam Conference Truman & Stalin Decide what to do with Germany U.S. wanted to help Germany improve their economy. USSR wanted the Germans to pay more in reparations.

Differences in Opinion at end of WWII that create tension Soviet wants: 1. Communist Poland to prevent another invasion. 2. Germany to pay heavy reparations for costs of war. 3. A buffer in Eastern Europe to protect from another invasion (Security for their nation) B. U.S. wants: 1. Declaration of Liberated Europe: All countries freed from Hitler would be given self-government. 2. A Germany that is economically strong to help re-build Europe.

Outcomes Soviet Union refuses to follow Declaration of Liberated Europe. 1. Sets up Communist, puppet governments in Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia 2. Satellite Nations: Eastern European countries controlled by the Soviets; Had to follow Soviet policies. B. An Iron Curtain descends on Europe 1. Phrase created by Winston Churchill 2. Line separating Communist countries of Eastern Europe from Western Europe.