Honors Speech I Agenda 8/6/2018 Housekeeping- place homework on the right corner, sharpen your pencils, dispose of any trash etc. Locate your assigned seat (alphabetical order by last name) Distribute Syllabus Complete Warm Up (Self Assessment) Review the Essential Questions and Daily Objectives Review the Syllabus for the Class Complete the Pre Assessment
Objectives: Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally. Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric. Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and communicative tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate.
Essential Questions: How do we as individuals find our “voice”? What are the qualities of effective argument? What techniques do writers use to persuade their audiences? How does a speaker create a strong connection to an audience during a formal presentation? How can these public speaking skills transfer into the real world?
Why take this class? Every public speaking opportunity is an opportunity to grow your leadership, your influence, and your education. Public speaking is the number one fear in America. Death is, somehow, a distant second. As the famous Jerry Seinfeld punch line goes, “This means to the average person, if you have to be at a funeral, you’d rather be in the casket than doing the eulogy.” From sweaty palms and bundles of nerves to a cracking voice and butterflies in your stomach, speaking in public can be downright terrifying.
Why take this class? Although the majors that are most in demand vary from time to time, the skills that employers seek in their new applicants are nearly identical year after year. A 2013 survey by the National Association of College and Employers found that the ability to communicate effectively is the quality employers most want to see in new recruits. The skills you’ll learn in a public speaking course will help you succeed in your other courses. Regardless of your major, many college classes will require some sort of presentation. a public speaking class will give you experience in applying your abilities as a researcher and critical thinker, which will surely aid you in other classes.
Why take this class? A public speaking course actually teaches you to become a better listener. Effective communication can help you develop more meaningful relationships with the people you care about and that, of course, starts with listening. It’s no secret that people throughout history have used the power of public speaking to make a difference. It encourages you to voice your ideas and take advantage of the influence you have. Those who are oppressed are often those with little or no voice.
Goals of the Class Become aware of personal speech habits and characteristics. To increase your confidence. Improve posture, voice, diction and other mechanics of speech. Develop speech preparation and presentation techniques, audience awareness and self-awareness. Cultivate poise and self-confidence. Present a variety of speeches (informative, persuasive, demonstrative, special occasion, etc.) Analyze and critique various speech techniques, content, purpose, strengths and weaknesses. Develop good listening and feedback skills.
Pre-Assessment-Part 1 Read Kathy Taylor's "Nonconformity: The Price and the Payoff" Using a pencil, pen, or highlighter identify and label the following parts of the texts Thesis/Claim Topic Sentences Conclusion Author's Evidence (Opinion or Facts) 3 Examples of Highly Connotative Diction Transition Words/Phrases
Honors Speech I Agenda 8/7/2018 Housekeeping- place homework on the right corner, sharpen your pencils, dispose of any trash etc. Signed Class Overview Complete Warm Up-Ticket In Review the Essential Questions and Daily Objectives Argumentation Notes Complete Part 2 of the Pre-Assessment Begin Movie Clip Speech Assignment Use the Rhetoric Powerpoint,
Objectives: Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally. Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric. Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and communicative tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate.
Essential Questions: How do we as individuals find our “voice”? What are the qualities of effective argument? What techniques do writers use to persuade their audiences? How does a speaker create a strong connection to an audience during a formal presentation? How can these public speaking skills transfer into the real world?
Argumentation and Persuasion Notes Argumentation-an appeal to reason (logos). In an argument, a writer connects a series of statements so that they lead logically to a conclusion. Persuasion is a general term that refers to how a writer influences an audience to adopt a belief or follow a course of action. The author will rely on a variety of appeals, style, and sometimes fallacies to sway the audience. Argumentation is different from persuasion in that it does not try to move an audience to action; its primary purpose is to demonstrate that certain ideas are valid and others are not. Argumentation, unlike persuasion, has a formal structure: makes points, supplies evidence, establishes a logical chain of reasoning, refutes opposing arguments, and accommodate the audience's views.
Argumentation Continued Argument requires value judgements: Is what is argued true or false, good or bad, effective or ineffective, practical or impractical? Opinions on issues are varied and not all ideas have equal merit. It is the speaker's/arguers job to assert opinions and construct logical arguments to back them up. A effective argument looks not only at the facts and data, but also the unspoken assumptions abut the audience, subject, and the relationship between the two and to each other. Remember assumptions are not necessarily logical; their truth is taken on faith by those who hold them. These assumptions are called "a priori" premises. Speakers/writers need to consider their own and their audiences a priori beliefs in determining their line of reasoning.
Argumentation Continued A proposition is any declarative statement that can be affirmed or denied; it can express eith fact or opinion. "Excessive amounts of liquor are poisonous." A proposition that expresses a judgement and/or opinion is called an assertion. "Liquor should be banned because excessive amounts are poisonous." An assertion is arguable if it can be supported by reasons or evidence. It is not arguable if it is simply a statement of personal taste or a verifiable report. An arguable assertion that seems to be the main point of an entire essay, article, or presentation is the thesis/claim. The statements offered in support of the claim/thesis are premises.
Directions Identify each of the following statements as an argument or non-argument. Identify the unstated assumptions, if any, in the arguments. Write them out. Are they as readily acceptable as the arguer assumes? Explain. Convert the non-arguments into arguments by altering and/or adding to their content.
Statements Because uneducated and even illiterate people are capable of rational thought and can make themselves understood, it is wrong to say that poor writing reflects poor thinking. The 1987 nomination of Judge Robert Bork to the Supreme Court was successfully opposed by people who objected to his concept of "judicial restraint." "The more is given the less people will work for themselves, and the less they work the more their poverty will increase." -Leo Tolstoy Elisha Gray and Alexander Graham Bell invented the prototype of the telephone almost simultaneously. Therefore, we should give them equal credit.
Pre-Assessment-Part 2 Identify the Following in the Text Subject Audience Author's Purpose Structure Point of View Tone Literary or Rhetorical Devices Explain if the author's argument is well supported. Write an argumentative paragraph using the topic: should the high school GLC become a study hall?
Extemporaneous Speech An extemporaneous speech is an impromptu speech that is given without any special advance preparation and while it may have been previous planned, in a limited capacity, it is delivered without the help of notes. Create an extemporaneous speech for your assigned topic. Include the following: Arguable Assertion Premises If Necessary Address and Rebut the Audiences A Priori Premises You will have 5 minutes to prepare
Speech Topics What are the benefits or challenges of a single gender education? What is the most important lesson you have learned at WYWLA? What makes good leader? Why is education important in American society? How would you describe WYWLA to a prospective student? What are three steps to becoming a good student? What line of the WYWLA creed is most important and why? Why is it important to lead, learn, and serve? What are the benefits of school uniforms? Should the school day be lengthened to increase student achievement? (increase the number of required attendance days or increase the hours in the school day) What stereotypes regarding women are most harmful to our society? Is a college education necessary to success?
Select on of Your Classmates Speeches to Analyze Identify the thesis. Identify the premises. What a priori premises were present, if any? Is what was argued true or false, good or bad, effective or ineffective, practical or impractical? Explain. Was the speech persuasion or argumentation? Explain.
Honors Speech I Agenda 8/8/2018 Housekeeping- place homework on the right corner, sharpen your pencils, dispose of any trash etc. Complete Warm Up Review the Essential Questions and Daily Objectives Review Annotating and Analysis Pre-Assessment 3 Introduce Assignment 1 Closure Questions
Objectives: Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally. Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric. Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and communicative tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate.
Essential Questions How do we as individuals find our “voice”? What are the qualities of effective argument? What techniques do writers use to persuade their audiences? How does a speaker create a strong connection to an audience during a formal presentation? How can these public speaking skills transfer into the real world?
Quick Review of SOAPSToneRS When speaking publicly or analyzing speeches SOAPSTONERS is essential, however the focus must change from the subject/theme to the audience. If the speaker incorrectly gauges his audience the speech doomed before it begins. Subject: The subjects of texts are often abstract—the right to die, racism, poverty, conformity, etc. The subject is the issue at hand, not the character or specific situation. There will often be direct (refer to the title)as well as a indirect subject (a combination of the direct subject and tone). Occasion: Remember that naming the occasion is both the time/place and the genre. Is the text a memory? Speech? Letter? Critique? Argument? About what event? Where? When? Audience: Who is the intended audience? Whose attention does the speaker seek to gain? Who is the writer speaking to? In MLK’s “I Have a Dream,” he is not speaking to African Americans but to readers who may harbor racial prejudices—perhaps to policy makers. Is it a general audience? Specific audience?
SOAPSToneRS Review Point of View and its Purpose: Remember that the speaker cannot simply be the author/writer. Is there an identifiable point of view ? Is it reliable, unreliable, biased, or unbiased? How does it work to communicate the Purpose? Think about the modes of writing and the purposes behind those modes. Authors write to entertain, to inform, to persuade, to critique, to complain, to explain, to reflect, to describe, sometimes to simply express a truth. Often, writers have a dual purpose. It is not enough to say to inform—to inform about what? To complain about what? To explain what?
SOAPSToneRS Review Structure: The organization or the dominant pattern of development. The organization is a tool for effectively communicating the author purpose/subject to the audience. In nonfiction the 4 primary modes: Exposition: illustrates a point, Narration: tells a story, Description: creates a sensory image, and Argumentation: takes a position on an issue and defends it. Each mode can be further organized in one of the following ways: exemplification (examples), cause and effect (reasons for an occurrence or consequence of the occurrence) , comparison and contrast (similarities or differences between two or more things), classification and division (grouping by common characteristics or breaking an entity into small groups), definition (explains what something is), process/chronology(time sequence or a series of steps)
SOAPSToneRS Review Tone: Tone is the attitude of the speaker towards his subject and audience. What is the speaker’s attitude towards his subject? Does the speaker consider the audience superior, equal, or beneath him? Rhetorical Devices: Rhetoric is consciously manipulating language to have a persuasive or impressive effect on the audience. It includes writer’s use of mode (narration, exposition, description, and persuasion), appeal (ethos, logos, pathos), detail (evidence such as personal experience, example, definition, statistics, research), and other devices (satire, sarcasm, understatement, anecdotes, alliteration, parallelism, diction (denotation/connotation),syntax, organization, etc.) Stylistic Devices: Literary Devices with a figurative meaning including (but not limited to) simile, metaphor, personification, foreshadowing, flashback, imagery, allusions, irony, symbols, etc.
Complete SOAPSTONERS for Each Clip and Answer the Following Questions: What are some of the characteristics of an effective public speaker? What are some of the characteristics of an ineffective public speaker? How important is the speakers knowledge/ understanding of the elements of SOAPSToneRS ? “Anyone” Ferris b. Donald Duck “We Are Marshall” “The Great Dictator”
Pre-Assessment 3 Read Jamaica Kincaid's "Girl" Decide what stands out to you about the text and what you want to convey about the text (a specific tone, characterization, a specific theme etc.) Create a 2-3 minute presentation. Feel free to use movement and tone to convey your meaning.
SOAPSToneRS SOAPSToneRS on of the "Girl" Speeches.
Assignment 1 (Due ): Select a clip of a good public speaker. The clip should be 1-2 minutes and should not contain any inappropriate language. The clip can be fictional (ex: a movie) or non fiction ( ex: a historic speech). Identify the Mode (organization) of the speech. Analyze the Type(s) of appeals used (ethos, logos, pathos). Analyze the speech using SOAPSToneRS. Analyze 3-4 rhetorical devices in the speech by identifying and defining the rhetorical device, providing a quotation of support, and explaining how the devices impacts the audience. Presentation: Read the speech with in a monotone manner with no emphasis and provide its context. Then explain the tools the speaker uses to make the effective and poignant. Finally show the speech, as presented, so the audience can see the contrast.
Honors Speech I Agenda 8/9/2018 Housekeeping- place homework on the right corner, sharpen your pencils, dispose of any trash etc. Complete Warm Up Review the Essential Questions and Daily Objectives Review Rhetorical Devices Practice Introductions Begin Working on Assignment 1 Closure Questions
Objectives Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally. Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric. Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and communicative tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate.
Essential Questions How do we as individuals find our “voice”? What are the qualities of effective argument? What techniques do writers use to persuade their audiences? How does a speaker create a strong connection to an audience during a formal presentation? How can these public speaking skills transfer into the real world?
Review Rhetorical Devices
Scenario: WYLWA is being honored as an amazing American educational institution because of its ability to produce graduates that lead, learn, and serve. A gala event sponsored by the Smithsonian is gathering together former students to celebrate their accomplishments. Those expected to attend include government officials, CEOs of several major corporations, several college presidents, etc. Your job is to interview a “former” student and introduce them at the event. You will highlight their contributions to society, their profession, etc. Consider "SOAPSToneRS" when constructing your speech and include at least 3 rhetorical devices. Begin by brainstorming a list of things that should be mentioned in a biography- accomplisments, profession, family life, motivations etc.
Assignment 1 (Due 8/14): Select a clip of a good public speaker. The clip should be 1-2 minutes and should not contain any inappropriate language. The clip can be fictional (ex: a movie) or non fiction ( ex: a historic speech). Identify the Mode (organization) of the speech. Analyze the Type(s) of appeals used (ethos, logos, pathos). Analyze the speech using SOAPSToneRS. Analyze 3-4 rhetorical devices in the speech by identifying and defining the rhetorical device, providing a quotation of support, and explaining how the devices impacts the audience. Presentation: Read the speech with in a monotone manner with no emphasis and provide its context. Then explain the tools the speaker uses to make the effective and poignant. Finally show the speech, as presented, so the audience can see the contrast.
Honors Speech I Agenda 8/10/2018 Housekeeping- place homework on the right corner, sharpen your pencils, dispose of any trash etc. Complete Warm Up Review the Essential Questions and Daily Objectives Complete Quiz Continue Working on Assignment 1 Closure Questions
Objectives Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally. Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric. Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and communicative tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate.
Essential Questions How do we as individuals find our “voice”? What are the qualities of effective argument? What techniques do writers use to persuade their audiences? How does a speaker create a strong connection to an audience during a formal presentation? How can these public speaking skills transfer into the real world?