Keir Hardie Primary School September 2018 Year 4 Parents’ Meeting Keir Hardie Primary School September 2018
Welcome The Team Year 4 Teachers: Miss Shakir (4S, NQT) Mrs Falusi (4F) Year 4 Teacher Assistants: Mr Oyekunle Mrs Sultana Miss Chapman Year 3 & 4 Phase Leader: Miss Woodhall
Expectations Every minute counts Punctuality – school starts 8:45 If a child is late in the morning three or more days will also get a call from the learning mentors. Attendance - Our expectation is 96% for attendance. However any child who drops below 95% parents will be calling parents in for a meeting. Behaviour for learning If your child has a medical appoint please provide proof at the office Reading expectations – read daily and record in the reading is fun book. Homework (English, Maths - given out on Friday – must be returned by Thursday Projects- creative projects every half term.
Curriculum Newsletter contains this term’s Topics and gives an overview of what will be covered. Online Safety Basic Skills Maths 5 A Day
Reading Strategies to support reading Guided Reading Independent Reading Reading for Pleasure at 8:45am Bug Club Reading is Fun (reading at home).
PE kits House colours appropriate footwear no earrings roll-on deodorant hairbands
Educational Visits Parents are welcome to come and support Autumn Term –Epping Forest (Science).
Clubs for Year 4 Monday – homework and multiskills Tuesday – football, basketball, gymnastics & gardening Wednesday – basketball (before school) & choir Thursday - netball Friday – dodgeball & badmington
Work Week In the week 3rd December we will have our annual ‘Work Week’. This year we would like to invite parents to come into school and talk about their work and what they do. Please let class teachers know if you are able to do so.