If the World were 100 People
If the World Were 100 People The world population is 7.5 billion It is hard to visualize that many people- instead it is easier to imagine the world population as 100 people For this activity 1 person= 75 million people Distribute the #1 to #100 signs to the students Know that they may need to switch papers
GENDER 50 females 50 males BEFORE second click- Instruct #1- to #50 to one side of room BEFORE third click #51- to #100 to other side
AGE 25 would be 0-14 66 would be 15-64 9 would be 65 and older BEFORE second click- Instruct #1- to #25 to one side of room BEFORE third click #26 to #91 to other side BEFORE fourth click #92 to #100 to center
GEOGRAPHY 60 would be from Asia 15 would be from Africa 11 would be from Europe 9 would be from Latin America & the Caribbean 5 would be from North America BEFORE second click- Instruct #1- to #60 to one side of room (Asia), BEFORE third click #61 to #75 to other side (Africa), BEFORE forth click #76 to #86 to a corner (Europe), BEFORE fifth click #87 to #95 to an area (LA & Carib.) BEFORE sixth click #96 to #100 (NA)
CELL PHONE 75 would be cell phone users 25 would not have a cell phone BEFORE second click- Instruct #1- to #75 to one side of room BEFORE third click #76 to #100 to other side
RELIGION 31 would be Christian 23 would be Muslim 15 would be Hindu 7 would be Buddhist 8 would believe in other religions 16 would not be religious or identify themselves as being aligned with a particular faith BEFORE second click- Instruct #1- to #31 to one side of room (Christian), BEFORE third click #32 to #54 to other side (Muslim), BEFORE forth click #55 to #69 to a corner (Hindu), BEFORE fifth click #70 to #76 to an area (Buddhist) BEFORE sixth click #77 to #83 (Other religions) BEFORE seventh click #84 to #100 (not affiliated)
LITERACY 86 would be able to read and write 14 would not be able to read BEFORE second click- Instruct #1- to #86 to one side of room BEFORE third click #87 to #100 to other side
FIRST LANGUAGE 12 would speak Chinese 6 would speak Spanish 5 would speak English 4 would speak Hindi 3 would speak Arabic 3 would speak Bengali 3 would speak Portuguese 2 would speak Russian 2 would speak Japanese 60 would speak other languages FIRST LANGUAGE BEFORE second click- Instruct #1- to #12 to one side of room (Chinese), BEFORE third click #13 to #18 to other side (Spanish) BEFORE forth click #19 to #23 to a corner (English), BEFORE fifth click #24 to #27 to an area (Hindi) BEFORE sixth click #28 to #30 (Arabic) BEFORE seventh click #31 to #33 (Bengali) BEFORE eighth click #34 to #36 (Portuguese) BEFORE ninth click, #37 to #38 (Russian) BEFORE tenth click #39 to #40 (Japanese) BEFORE eleventh click #41 to #100 (Other)
ELECTRICITY 82 would have electricity 18 would not BEFORE second click- Instruct #1- to #82 to one side of room BEFORE third click #83 to #100 to other side
NUTRITION 21 would be overweight 63 would be healthy 15 would be malnourished 1 would be starving BEFORE second click- Instruct #1- to #21 to one side of room BEFORE third click #22 to #84 to other side BEFORE fourth click #85 to #99 to center BEFORE fifth click #100
INTERNET ACCESS 44 have internet access 56 do not BEFORE second click- Instruct #1- to #44 to one side of room BEFORE third click #45 to #100 to other side
POVERTY 15 make less than $2 a day 56 make between $2-$10 a day 1 makes more than $90 a day 1 person controls 50% of all money BEFORE second click- Instruct #1- to #15 to one side of room (less than $2), BEFORE third click #16 to #71 to other side ($2-$10) BEFORE forth click #72 to #84 to a corner ($10-$20), BEFORE fifth click #85 to #93 to an area ($20-$50) BEFORE sixth click #94 to #99 ($50-$90) BEFORE seventh click #100 (more than $90) BEFORE eighth click- 1 person
COLLEGE DEGREE 7 would have a college degree 93 would not BEFORE second click- Instruct #1- to #7 to one side of room BEFORE third click #8 to #100 to other side
CLEAN DRINKING WATER 87 would have access to clean water 13 would use unclean water BEFORE second click- Instruct #1- to #87 to one side of room BEFORE third click #88 to #100 to other side
HOUSING 77 would have shelter 23 do not have shelter BEFORE second click- Instruct #1- to #44 to one side of room BEFORE third click #45 to #100 to other side
Video If the World were 100 People Video Link- https://ed.ted.com/featured/5rhHgDwh
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Credits https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2015/01/06/chart-if-the-world- were-100-people/?utm_term=.b31b2128ce17 http://www.100people.org/statistics_detailed_statistics.php https://ed.ted.com/featured/5rhHgDwh