As a profession, how do we support the next generation of PMHNPs?
PMHNP Student Clinical Placements Are Getting Harder to Find Limited supply of PMHNP clinical placements Difficulty identifying appropriate clinical sites
Mental Health Workforce: Numbers
Texas Mental Health Workforce, 2017 (Texas Health and Human Services, 2017; Texas Board of Nursing, 2017) Psychiatric Advanced Practice Nurses 922 (764 PMHNPs) Psychiatrists 2172 Nurse Practitioners 16,776 Physician Assistants 8041 Psychologists 7787 Licensed Professional Counselors 23,339 Marriage and Family Therapists 3269 Licensed Clinical Social Workers 7720
Texas PMNHP programs UT Arlington SON UTHSC San Antonio SON University of the Incarnate Word SON UT Rio Grande Valley CON Midwestern State SON UT Austin SON Texas Tech SON UTHSC Houston SON Texas State University SON Out-of-state PMHNP student numbers unknown Texas PMNHP programs
Factors Affecting Clinical Placements Not all Texas Psych APRNs practice Limited number of psychiatrists Mental health workforce is retiring FNP programs with psychiatric clinical hours Increase in PMHNP programs and PMHNP students Out-of-state PMHNP programs with in state students Preference for psychiatric medical residents Growth in number of medical schools Child/adolescent psychiatric clinical sites are scarce Expectations of productivity metrics for psychiatric providers
Possible Solutions Collaboration among PMHNP programs Develop network of PMHNP clinical sites and PMHNP preceptors Long-term contracts with clinical sites Student scholarships & employment (similar to BSN process) Advocacy at state and local governments Novel approaches to clinical placements
Department of State Health Services (2014) Department of State Health Services (2014). The mental health workforce shortage in texas. Retrieved from 4/Attachment1-HB1023-MH... Hogg Foundation for Mental Health (2011). Crisis point: mental health workforce shortages in texas. Retrieved from Mental_Health_Crisis_final_032111.pdf References
Hoge, M. , Stuart, F. , Morris, J. , Flaherty, M. , Paris, M. , Hoge, M., Stuart, F., Morris, J., Flaherty, M., Paris, M., & Goplerud, E. (2013). Mental health and addiction workforce development: federal leadership is needed for address the growing crisis. Health Affairs, 32(11), 2005- 12. Texas Board of Nursing (2017). Currently licensed texas rns recognized as advanced practice registered nurses by county and nurse practitioner recognition. Retrieved from pdfs//2017TexasStatistics/Sept2017/apnp- 9_17.pdf References
Texas Health and Human Services (2017). Health Texas Health and Human Services (2017). Health professions: supply and distribution tables for state-licensed health professions in texas. Retrieved from m Texas Statewide Health Coordinating Council (2011). 2011-2016 Texas state health plan: a roadmap to a healthy Texas. Retrieved from 011-2016 References