What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. No time to stand beneath the boughs And stare as long as sheep or cows. No time to see, when woods we pass, Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass. No time to see, in broad daylight, Streams full of stars, like skies at night. No time to turn at Beauty's glance, And watch her feet, how they can dance. No time to wait till her mouth can Enrich that smile her eyes began. A poor life this if, full of care, William Henry Davies
How do we stop doing everything?
Cycle of Grace Frank Lake (1914 – 1982), clinical psychiatrist. Pioneer of pastoral counselling in the UK. 1962 founded the Clinical Theology Association Primary aim: to make clergy more effective in understanding and accepting the psychological origins of parishioners’ personal difficulties.
Cycle of Grace Lake & Bremmer made a decision together to reflect on the Gospel life of Jesus. Jesus faced enormous stress, opposition, pressure and yet not once to you see him cynical restful or burnt-out – he got tired or weary but there was vitality and faithfulness to his ministry. They read through the Gospel life of Jesus over again. What emerged was that Jesus lived in a certain way which they called a Cycle of Grace. They believed Jesus lived in a balance between input and output. He was able to give because he had received. Mark Chapter 1, V29- 39. Can see a tremendous output but the moment of receiving of Grace – how he sustains himslef There are 2 places where Grace flows in to the life of Jesus, it begins with acceptance Jesus knew who is was. Jesus begins his ministry once he has received his identity from the Father. The Baptism that moment when John the Baptiser , the spirit of God comes down upon him and God says you are my son my beloved of who I am pleased. Lake was convinced that its dangerous to move in to ministry without knowing and accepting who you are. So for us as leaders it’s about first of all accepting who we are (for Christians that will involve being loved by God, we don’t need to do anything to earn that love. Sustenance Grace flowed into Jesus through practices that sustained him. He prayed many times – solitude and silence; disengages from routine to be with the Father; has a close circle of friends who he has relationships with; he broke bread (he partied!) he was joyful and spent time in fellowship with others; participated in community worship. You can see that the Cycle gets fuller and thicker at this point Significance – output This is about what Jesus’ life signified, not what HE DID The way we are is a gift to the word. It’s not about what we do it’s about who we are. For Jesus he never forgot his life was a sign of God. Think about your vision pictures – what is it saying about your unique way of BEING in the world Achievement – sometimes called fruitfulness This is where Grace flows out If you start with Fruitfulness / Achievement and work backwards – you are working from the wrong point How are you leading? Is it within a cycle of Grace, out of a sense of identity, finding sustenance and out of that giving yourselves to others? Or are you creating an identity through a reliance on achieving on trying to achieve, When the cycle is reversed, we have to achieve first. It creates a vicious circle. It is a negative cycle which Lane referred to as the cycle of frustration.
Celebrate your strengths; Consider the people around you; Accepting who you are Celebrate your strengths; Consider the people around you; Tartakovsky, M. (2018). Therapists Spill: 12 Ways to Accept Yourself. Psych Central. Retrieved from https://psychcentral.com/lib/therapists-spill-12-ways-to-accept-yourself/
Professional Me
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Professional Me
Celebrate your strengths; Consider the people around you; Accepting who you are Celebrate your strengths; Consider the people around you; Create a support system; Forgive yourself; Shush your inner critic; Grieve the loss of unrealised dreams; Tartakovsky, M. (2018). Therapists Spill: 12 Ways to Accept Yourself. Psych Central. Retrieved from https://psychcentral.com/lib/therapists-spill-12-ways-to-accept-yourself/
Acceptance Bargaining Shock Unfulfilled dream Denial Depression
Celebrate your strengths; Consider the people around you; Accepting who you are Celebrate your strengths; Consider the people around you; Create a support system; Forgive yourself; Shush your inner critic; Grieve the loss of unrealised dreams; Perform charitable acts; Speak to your best self; Be kind to yourself; Keep practicing. Tartakovsky, M. (2018). Therapists Spill: 12 Ways to Accept Yourself. Psych Central. Retrieved from https://psychcentral.com/lib/therapists-spill-12-ways-to-accept-yourself/
Sustenance What do you need to sustain you (to keep you stable) Physically Mentally Spiritually
Let’s do significant work Let’s STOP doing insignificant work
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Our School Mr & Mrs Kulcinski’s shop Parents Governors Jiskani Engineering St John’s DDE’s Office PTA Jenson’s Smith Johnson Chemicals
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