High Quality After School Programs Submitted by: Paula D. Knight Executive Director of Curriculum & Instruction Dr. Carlinda Purcell, Chief Academic Officer 2008-09 Please note: Read the notes section of all slides for instructions regarding minimum and maximum font sizes for bullets within the presentation.
Overview After School: Taking place immediately following school classes; a program designed to provide care, educational enhancement, and health and social services to students in a safe environment. Standardize the definition of after school as being two-three hours per day, four-five days per week, comprised of academics, enrichment, character education, and recreational activities. The application is designed to select qualified organizations to provide before and after school programs in designated schools. Approve assignment of part-time liaison at each after school site operated by outside agency. St. Louis Public Schools 4/3/2019
Background A variety of before and after school programs currently operate in middle and elementary schools without clarity of goals. An academic component is not currently a part of each program. Programs have acquired placement without central administration review and approval. St. Louis Public Schools 4/3/2019
Current Situation 10 - 21st Century elementary and middle school sites currently operated by SLPS. 32 - A.S.A.P. (After School For All Partnership) sites in elementary and middle schools operated by ARCHES/Mental Health Board. 14 - sites without programming meeting proposed definition. 4 - sites with no after school programs. 2 – sites lose funding at the end of FY09. St. Louis Public Schools 4/3/2019
Proposal (Recommended Solution) St. Louis Public Schools will seek proposals from qualified organizations to provide before and after school programs in designated schools. Successful applicants will receive a one-year building permit for the designated school site (s). Compile data on student progress supplied by a district site coordinator, with an opportunity to renew for consecutive years following yearly evaluations. St. Louis Public Schools 4/3/2019
Proposal (Recommended Solution) Require all programs to implement an academic component. Provide liaisons to work with outside agencies to bring cohesive transition from regular school day and after school programs. Require liaisons to collect and share data to show progress of students. Eliminate programs that are not focused on enhancing student performance. St. Louis Public Schools 4/3/2019
Cost of Recommendation Extra service liaisons 1 liaison per school Rate $25.52, Benefits $4.06, total $73.95 per day (2 ½ hours/day), estimated cost $10,353 per site - 140 days. Total Cost $579,768 for 56 sites. Transportation home, 59 sites total $10,000.00 per site, $590,000.00 Supplies $200.00 per site, $11,800.00 Recurring Cost $1,204,317.44, plus supplies St. Louis Public Schools 4/3/2019
Summation Applications will become available for applicants May 2009 and the selection process will start for the 2009-2010 school year. Applicants will be notified of decisions for program. Applications will be reviewed and programs will be monitored for academic components. St. Louis Public Schools 4/3/2019