Year 3 – Feeling good and being me


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I understand that when I am unkind, it impacts on others
Year 3 – Feeling good and being me
I can talk about how I’m feeling
I can support my friends when things go wrong
I can describe an unhealthy relationship
I can talk and listen in difficult discussions
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I can talk about how I’m feeling
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Presentation transcript:

Year 3 – Feeling good and being me I’m good at… and I’m going to try and be better at… by setting myself a simple target © Leeds South and East CCG

Learning outcomes Knowledge Skills I can identify areas for improvement and set high aspirations and goals I can reflect on and celebrate my achievements and identify my strengths I can talk about something I find difficult I can reframe this into a positive statement I can offer to help someone reframe their difficulties 2

How we will work together Can you remember the ground rules we have already talked about, let’s take a minute to think about them. Teacher notes Read these through with the children. Hopefully the ground rules will be displayed in the classroom already. 3

What do we already know? Think about the work you did in Year 2 about achievement, aspirations and goals What a good target or goal? Invite children to share their thoughts. Be aware that some children may feel this task difficult if they lack confidence or have low self-esteem. What qualities help you achieve your goals? 4

Let’s get started Think about something that you are good at or something you can do that makes you feel proud. Write it on the top of your piece of paper. The certificate could be for a friend or children to choose name out of box etc. Teacher may choose for the certificates to be anonymous and for the other children to try and guess who it is. 5

What are your strengths Now it is time for other people to think about your strengths Record something positive about each person in the class Provide each children with a sheet that they write their name on. This could be a with a decorative boarder, a shield etc. Children move around the room and record something positive on each person’s sheet. Encourage children to think about a range of different strengths. This could be a sporting, musical or artistic talent, it could be that they are a good friend, good a maths etc. Provide sometime for children to read the comments. Ensure that children only write positive comments. These sheets could be stuck in a book or given to the children to take home and keep. Discuss how they make the children feel. Remind them that these could be looked at as a way to cheer themselves up if they are feeling down. 6

What is important to you? Diamond 9 Sort the cards according to what is important to you Children arrange the 9 cards to form a diamond. They put the most important to them at the top and the least important at the bottom. Children work with a partner. Encourage lots of discussion during this activity. There may be a lot of disagreement about where to place the cards. Once a discussion has taken place, explain that it is ok if you and your partner think differently. Some children may not be able to make a diamond shape. It is the discussion that is important. Help children understand that different things are important to different people and that will always be the case. You may not want to use the cards included and instead may want to write your own that you feel may suit the children being taught. 7

What do you find difficult? Children discuss things that they find difficult Children reframe these difficulties into positive aims that they can work on I find ___ difficult. My goal is to be better at ___. To do this I am going to___. Children arrange the 9 cards to form a diamond. They put the most important to them at the top and the least important at the bottom. Children work with a partner. Encourage lots of discussion during this activity. There may be a lot of disagreement about where to place the cards. Once a discussion has taken place, explain that it is ok if you and your partner think differently. Some children may not be able to make a diamond shape. It is the discussion that is important. Help children understand that different things are important to different people and that will always be the case. You may not want to use the cards included and instead may want to write your own that you feel may suit the children being taught. 8

Goal and Goal Setting Watch the video clip Note: Video clip to screen grab palce (image for illustrative purpose only) Discuss what an aspirational goal is. Give children an example of a goal that is very easy to achieve. Is this aspirational? Is there any point having a goal that is really easy to achieve? Discuss unrealistic goals. You could give an example about yourself. E.g. I am not very good at art so I have never set myself a goal of becoming a famous artist. I could set myself a goal of joining an art class so that I improve however. Click on slide GOAL and GOAL SETTING - Watch clip from 35 secs to 2 mins 20 secs Ask children to think about what goal they want to set for themselves. Discuss what people need to do in order to achieve their goals. Talk about the importance of getting support in order to achieve your goal. A way to get help is to talk about your goals with others. Encourage children to set SMART goals Watch the video clip 9

What do we know? Think about the work you did today about achievement, aspirations and goals What makes a good target or goal? What things help you achieve your goals? Invite children to share their thoughts. Be aware that some children may feel this task difficult if they lack confidence or have low self-esteem. 10

Taking the learning away Can you research/find people that you think have set aspirational goals for themselves? This could be famous sports people, members of your family, etc. What did they do to achieve their goal? 11

Additional resources and help Talk to your teacher or an adult in school Talk to your Mum, Dad or someone you trust at home about how you are feeling If you have them: – Write your worry down and post it in the class worry box – Talk to a peer mediator in your school – Write your worry down on the worry wall on the school’s website Contact: im-a-young-person Where can I go for help? 12