2010 Art in Phytopathology Contest 2010 Art in Phytopathology Competition sponsored by the APS Graduate Student Committee
2010 Art in Phytopathology Contest 1 st Place in Digitally Altered Epidemiologists Model Disease My artwork depicts mannequins modeling plant-disease dresses. The photos of the diseases were taken by myself and, in order from left to right, are of bacterial blight of strawberry (angular leaf spot), powdery mildew of grape, and Botrytis gray mold of strawberry.
2010 Art in Phytopathology Contest 2 nd Place in Digitally Altered Ring Nematodes Tubing and Slinky This image was created using copies from a single ring nematode, which is almost a C shaped plant- parasitic nematode. A O ring was created using a copy of the first nematode arranged in a opposite way and slightly bent to create precise O shape. This ring was then stacked to create the tubing and slinky in Adobe Photoshop CS4. Ring nematodes are major pathogens of trees.
2010 Art in Phytopathology Contest 3 rd Place in Digitally Altered Stem Rust on Wheat Ear A digitally altered photograph of stem rust on a wheat ear
2010 Art in Phytopathology Contest Digitally Altered An Ancient Foe to Mankind A digitally altered photograph of stem rust on a wheat stem
2010 Art in Phytopathology Contest Digitally Altered Stem Rust on Wheat Stem A slightly digitally altered photograph of stem rust on a wheat stem