Do Now: 1. How were the Tang and the Song Dynasties similar? Chap 15 Day 2 East Asia Do Now: 1. How were the Tang and the Song Dynasties similar? (see previous notes)
Agricultural Economies of the Tang and Song Dynasties Developed Vietnamese fast-ripening rice, 2 crops per year Technology: iron plows, use of draft animals Soil fertilization, improved irrigation Water wheels, canals Terrace farming
Population Growth – WHY? Result of increased agricultural production Effective food distribution system Transportation networks built under Tang and Song dynasties Urbanization Chang’an world’s most populous city: 2 million residents Southern Song capital Hangzhou: over 1 million
Patriarchal Social Structures Increased emphasis on ancestor worship Elaborate grave rituals Extended family gatherings in honor of deceased ancestors Religious or philosophical influences??? Footbinding gains popularity Increased control by male family members How?
Footbinding- similar to today?
Technology and Industry Porcelain (“Chinaware”) Increase of iron production due to use of coke, not coal, in furnaces Agricultural tools, weaponry Gunpowder invented Earlier printing techniques refined Moveable type by mid-11th century Yet complex Chinese ideographs make wood block technique easier Naval technology
Emergence of a Market Economy Letters of credit developed to deal with copper coin shortages Promissory notes, checks also used Development of independently produced paper money Not as stable, riots when not honored Government claims monopoly on money production in 11th century
China and the Hemispheric Economy Increasingly cosmopolitan nature of Chinese cities Chinese silk opens up trade routes, but increases local demands for imported luxury goods
Cultural Change in Tang and Song China Declining confidence in Confucianism after collapse of Han dynasty Increasing popularity of Buddhism Christianity, Manichaeism, Zoroastrianism, Islam also appear – How similar? Different? Clientele primarily foreign merchant class
Dunhuang Mahayana Buddhism especially popular in western China (Gansu province), 600-1000 CE -Why spread? Buddhist temples, libraries Economic success as converts donate land holdings Increase popularity through donations of agricultural produce to the poor
Summary The Chinese population underwent rapid growth from 600 to 1200. What developments during this period promoted that growth? Why would it be an economic advantage to have such a large population? Why would it be a potential disadvantages to have a large population?