Agenda – 10/23 Student shout outs! Monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam HW: reading! As always. Remember, quiz is THURSDAY next week instead of FRIDAY.
RECAP Universalizing religions: religions with a core of beliefs that transcend cultures and actively recruit new adherents (anyone can convert) Examples?? Ethnic religions: religions that create strong social bonds between people but mainly are restricted to one ethnic group (people can’t always readily convert; not a strong missionary aspect)
JUDAISM One God – merciful, just, all-powerful, all-knowing Created all things Chosen people: Hebrews Hebrews – Semitic people living in Ancient Mesopotamia Hebrews/Semites/Semitic people/Jewish people
JUDAISM: HOLY TEXT Hebrew holy text – all together, called the Tanakh “Old Testament” “Hebrew Bible”
JUDAISM: CONFLICT AND DIASPORA Israel (nation) splits into two: Judah and Israel Conflict and wars; in Mesopotamia… what do you remember? History of diaspora – being forcefully dispersed from your original homeland
Current variations in Judaism Around 15-16 million Jews worldwide Spectrum of observance ranges from Orthodox-Conservative-Reform Many secular Jews as well
Christianity: intro More than 2.2 billion adherents worldwide (about 30% of world) Vast array of beliefs and denominations Jesus’s role always central
History of Christianity Jesus was born into a Jewish family Immaculate conception: Mary was born sinless Incarnation: Virgin Mary conceives and gives birth to Jesus Jesus as “son of God” – the long-awaited Jewish Messiah
Life and Teachings of Jesus Jesus as Son of God and savior of the world Part of the Trinity: Father, Son, Holy Spirit People are born into sin, and cannot work their way up to salvation by being good
Life and Teachings of Jesus Lived a sinless life, was crucified, and was resurrected “After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high” (Hebrews 1:3)
Life and Teachings of Jesus Preached love, mercy, compassion, equality among believers Can only go to Heaven through believing in Christ as Savior Christian Bible = Old Testament (Tanakh) + New Testament (writings about Jesus’ life) Written by Jesus’ apostles after his death
CHRISTIANITY Big missionary pull – Paul and other apostles Says that Gentiles (non-Jewish people) can have a relationship with God through Christ Jewish law less relevant Humans can’t keep the law, but Jesus did on humanity’s behalf Equality amongst believers – all “brothers and sisters” and “adopted children of God”
Crash course: Christianity