Training and development Supervisory Training
This module provides an overview of the training and development opportunities that are available This section contains information on the following areas/themes: - Training & Development Overview - PGR pathway of training - Training and resources for supervisors
The Training & Development available…… The Training & Development available……. The SPoRT Programme Researchers at Salford can take advantage of an extensive range of development activities. The Salford Postgraduate & Staff Research Training (SPoRT) programme is designed to help researchers: - Develop the skills needed for effective research - Provide transferable skills to enhance employability - Support thesis writing and submission process - Exposure to the wider professional research environment through conferences and dissemination - Build confidence, capability and collaborations through bespoke training Complementary to Core research milestones The SPoRT programme is aligned to the core milestones of the Postgraduate Research journey meaning that training is available at the appropriate progress point compliments the research activity. Face-to-face sessions run at key points in the academic calendar, these are complemented by a library of on-line resources, tutorials and courses. A booklet of training is available from the PGR web pages and is sent to current supervisors at the beginning of each academic year.
Part of a National framework…… Part of a National framework……. Salford's research development programme is aligned with the national Researcher Development Framework (RDF), which sets out the knowledge, behaviours and skills of successful researchers. For further information, please refer to: The RDF provides researchers with a useful guidance on skills to develop and a vocabulary to evidence their skills on their CV.
Confidence development…… Confidence and conference development through SPARC SPARC (Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference) is designed to provide essential experience and practice opportunities for the PGR community. The conference typically runs in July, after School or departmental symposia and ahead of events in the next academic year. The benefits include: - Students have the opportunity to reflect and build on previous experiences and a chance to practice and adapt their approach for the next round of conferences. - The critical skill that SPARC develops is how to present research to a lay or non-expert audience. This is an essential requirement for many research grants, sponsors and for career development. - SPARC provides researchers with additional feedback on their posters, presentations and abstract writing as well as the opportunity to develop social skills, networking and potential collaborations and improve confidence. All PGRs are expected to contribute to SPARC. Supervisors are also invited to support their researchers at SPARC over the two days and beforehand (copied into abstracts, posters and presentation submissions)
PGR Training Pathway…… For each stage of the PGR journey, there’s training available. Please note the list is for illustration only and is not exhaustive. Research Skills Communication skills The Thesis and beyond Professional career development Year 1 Introductory and Advanced Research Methods e.g. SPSS, NVivo, Managing the Literature, using Endnote and referencing tools Introduction to library resources Project management and organisation Principles of experimental design Academic writing Critical writing and thinking LEAP Higher/ Wordscope Abstract writing Preparing a Literature review Report writing for APR, reflective practice for annual SER Interim Assessment Research data management Using other peoples work in your research Research ethics and integrity Creating and developing a professional network Conference and Symposium attendance Year 2 Research Seminar series by discipline Analysing and evaluating research methods Organising and synthesising your work Identifying and presenting the research question/ critiquing your own work Poster presentations Writing a conference paper Conference and Symposium participation/ submission Adapting your writing to your audience Improving your academic writing Writing an academic paper Peer review and insights into the editorial process Internal Evaluation Time management and procrastination Writing a lay abstract Teaching experience/ widening participation Volunteering and developing researcher-led activities and seminars Writing for funding Year 3 Completing your research/ field work Developing your research methods thesis chapter – approaches and challenges Writing retreats/ developing approaches to avoid procrastination and write effectively The Elevator pitch – summarising and presenting an overview of your work International Conference and Symposium participation/ submission Structuring the thesis Approaches to planning your thesis chapters Open access and publications Developing your writing style Proof reading and making amendments Managing the submission process Viva voce preparation/mock viva Career development 121 support: CVs, applications and interviews Grant writing & Fellowships, Commercialisation and developing business plans Career opportunities within and outside of HE Career opportunities UK and Overseas Job hunting for researchers Personal branding and self-promotion
Training resources for supervisors…… The Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 requires all Universities to have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”. This is known as the Prevent Duty. If you have concerns about your student, please refer to: Further information on services and support: - Counselling - Well-being - Learner support Blackboard has a dedicated Academic and research staff development area including a Supervisor checklist, ‘The good supervisor video’ and Independent chair resources – such as forms and the IC checklist:
Training resources for supervisors…… Vitae: Advice and guidance for supervising a doctorate: The Higher Education Academy: Tips and further reading for supervising and supporting international students: Postgraduate Research Supervision Network - THE RESEARCH SUPERVISOR'S BIBLIOGRAPHY For queries relating to training and development, please contact Davina Whitnall (