Product Realization by Manufacturing (MCP101)
Product Realization by Manufacturing What is “Manufacturing” Why this course An overview of the course Course Evaluations What is “Product Realization”
“Manufacturing” Defined Definition 1 Manufacturing is derived from Latin word manu factus which means “made by hand”. Definition 2 Manufacturing is transformation of raw material into goods. Definition 3 Manufacturing is to plan and deploy an optimum way of transformation of raw material into goods by integration of people, capital, processes, systems and enterprises to deliver products of value to society.
Manufacturing Manufacturing is a value adding activity.
Manufacturing Manufacturing is a value adding activity.
Manufacturing creates wealth for nations.
Product Realization by Manufacturing
Product Realization by Manufacturing
Product Realization by Manufacturing
Why should I study this course ? Manufacturing is Multi-disciplinary – Every engineering branch is associated with products and their manufacturing. (Computer, Cell Phone, Soap, Syringe, aircraft). Manufacturing in Inter-disciplinary - Product Realization requires knowledge from multiple disciplines in many cases. Manufacturing is Trans-disciplinary - In future you may be heading a company which manufactures refrigerators, motors, X-ray machines, coffee makers, LED lights, water treatment equipment, locomotives, water-proof fabrics
Product Realization Class Briefing Session + 3 hours of practice (Safety guidelines must be followed Evaluation Works in 8 shops – 35% Assignments – 15% Attendance – 5% Project – 50% (Seating Arrangement has to be followed)