New Graduation Requirements & A-G Supporting Home Learning for All Students 33 teaching strategies to use at home
Objectives Understand the diverse learning needs and preferences of children Learn strategies teachers use to provide accommodations for learning Learn ways to accommodate student learning at home and select strategies relevant to your child
Draw Your Child Activity List of descriptors provided Leave this blank for now.
Sample Write or draw how your child likes to learn. Escriba o dibuje cómo le gusta aprender a su hijo. Dibuje un retrato
The Goal of All Teachers: Meaningful Student Participation To engage each student at their current level of understanding or ability and ensure that individual progress is made To make learning meaningful teachers should strive to do whatever it takes to ensure that struggling and advanced learners, students with varied cultural heritages, and children with different background experiences all grow as much as they possibly can each day, each week, and throughout the year. Additional care must be taken for students with significant challenges, which include difficulties in communication, social interaction, and behaviors, to ensure that these students are able to learn necessary skills and make academic progress within natural settings.
Adaptations Adaptations are any adjustment or modification in curriculum, instruction, environment or materials in order to enhance the participation of a member of the classroom community. Adaptations are strategies that ALL teachers use to engage all learners. Adaptations are the umbrella term which include both accommodations, modifications, and providing access. Parents, as their child’s first, lifelong, and most influential teachers, can also utilize strategies that classroom teachers use and adjust them for use at home. Parents are the child’s first, lifelong, and most influential teacher. At home, parents can use adaptations too!
Please stand if a child in your family has: Limited reading abilities Limited writing abilities Short attention span Difficulty understanding lectures and discussions Visual or hearing impairments Difficulty turning in assignments on time A tendency to get distracted easily or to lose concentration with noise Like Me-Type of Activity. Please stand if you know a child who...
Please stand if a child in your family has: These are all reasons why students need teachers to use strategies; Difficulty with organization Difficulty completing assignments Difficulty handling complex tasks Difficulty taking tests Difficulty working with groups Difficulty controlling own behavior and why parents need to use home learning strategies too.
Let’s look at 33 adaptations used in the classroom For difficulty following instructions: Provide oral and written directions Provide directions that include pictures Model what you expect from your child Have student paraphrase directions Which of these might be used by parents to support learning at home too?
Some Adaptations Used in the Classroom If student has difficulty comprehending text: Read summary or objectives first Highlight text Have students work in small groups What could these look like at home? Read titles, summary, and section headings Underline or highlight text Child consults with siblings or other family members What else can we do at home to facilitate reading comprehension? What else can we do at home to facilitate reading comprehension?
Some Adaptations Used in the Classroom For students with difficulty completing assignments: Provide individual responsibility checklist Use timer to define work periods Teach use of a planner and calendar How can these be replicated at home?
Some Adaptations Used in the Classroom For students with short attention span: Adjust length of time for a task Provide brief break within task Provide opportunity to stretch and move around At home, how might you help your child stay focused?
Adaptations to the Physical Environment used in the Classroom If child gets easily distracted or loses concentration: Keep supplies accessible Keep work space clear of unrelated materials Reduce visual distractions in the classroom Seat student close to teacher or positive role model Seat student away from windows and doorways Provide space for independent work of choice Which of these might be most useful to support your child’s learning?
Adaptations to Classroom Schedule Choices for Independent Reading and Writing Thumbs up if you like choices. Everybody does. Grouping for Instruction
choices in the classroom: How teachers provide choices in the classroom: How can parents provide choices at home or in the community in multiple areas of interest? Just as in this teacher’s classroom, it’s important to provide students with opportunities to explore their interests when they’re not in school.
Examples of Adaptations of Time Demands Provide a visual timer Alert student several minutes before a transition Increase wait time for responses Provide additional time to complete a task Allow student to leave classroom 2-3 minutes early to avoid crowded hallways
Communication Adaptations for Students with Speech and Language Needs Allow students time to express themselves Minimize classroom noise and distractions Provide a quiet and separate location for testing Allow the student to use a visual schedule Give one and two step directions Provide extra time to complete assignment Break assignments into small steps Although these are more applicable to students with a disability that interferes with speech such as language, speech, and hearing impairments , autism, auditory processing, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, these seven strategies that teachers use can also be of benefit to other students. How can these strategies benefit students with or without speech and language needs?
From this set of teacher strategies, mark the ones that you can use at home with your child Of these, which might be suitable for your child? Which can you use at home to support your child's learning?
Let’s return to our form! Write or draw how your child likes to learn. Escriba o dibuje cómo le gusta aprender a su hijo. Dibuje un retrato
Tree of Family Support for All Students Select three strategies to accommodate learning at home that you’ll use with your child Write them on a leaf pattern and prepare to share out After sharing out, post it on our tree of family support for all students
Objectives Understand the diverse learning needs and preferences of children Learn strategies teachers use to provide accommodations for learning Learn ways to accommodate student learning at home and select strategies relevant to your child
Your participation is appreciated!