Theme Ohio History Day 2019
Triumph & Tragedy in History
Connecting to the theme Triumph A victory or conquest by or as if by military force, or a notable success.
Name a type of triumph Social Change Treaties Discoveries
Connecting to the theme Tragedy A disastrous event.
Name a type of tragedy Man-Made Disasters Natural Disasters Inequality
Connecting to the theme: What causes triumphs & Tragedies? Decisions Event (Triumph or Tragedy?) Consequences Outcome (Triumph or Tragedy?) How do triumphs lead to tragedies, or tragedies to triumphs? Can an event be a triumph for one group and a tragedy for another? What kinds of topics are allowed for history day? Topics can be from any area of interest including science, the arts, sports, or technology.
Can an event be considered both triumph & Tragedy? War Protests Inventions
Connecting to the theme: Topic Remember, YOU choose the topic and method of presentation. Any interest: science, art, sports, literature, technology Any skill: web design, writing, filmmaking, acting, drawing But keep in mind that the topic must be at least 20 years old!
Brianna Treleven, Region 4 Local History Corps Rep Dr. David Simonelli, Region 4 Coordinator Department of History, DeBartolo Hall, Room 533 Youngstown State University 330-941-1601 Brianna Treleven, Region 4 Local History Corps Rep Department of History, DeBartolo Hall, Room 529 Youngstown State University 330-941-3459