Research Methods Quiz 6
1. What’s wrong with this survey? (1 point per thing up to 3) Do you own a pet? Yes No Is your pet a (circle one) Cat Dog Would you like to own a pet? Does your cat have a problem with hairballs?
Can I draw the conclusion listed? (2 points each) I randomly assign some people to eat a healthy diet and some to eat a poor diet, and I find that the healthy diet people do worse on a test. I conclude that a healthy diet hurts exam performance. I measure some people’s diets and exam scores and find that better diets go with higher exam scores. I conclude that a healthy diet causes higher exam scores.
3. What kind of numbers will each of the following produce 3. What kind of numbers will each of the following produce? (1 point each) I observe people in the parking lot and record how long it takes them to back out of a parking space. I observe people in a parking lot and record what kind of car they drive. I observe people in a parking lot and record the temperature outside.
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