A resolution is the document you release at the end of the committee as a binding solution that is voted upon and agreed to by a simple majority in committee ( i.e. one more than half), on the agenda that was debated upon. It involves functions and schemes that can be carried out to solve or mediate the conflict or agenda at hand, but it can only demand for actions within the mandate of the specific committee of which it is a resolution.
Moving into discussion of the resolution is done by raising a motion, as one would do for any caucus ; “The delegate of xyz would like to suspend formal debate and move into the resolution process to discuss the draft resolution ABCD” There are a few ways to discuss a resolution – Clause by clause discussion Round table discussion Moderated caucus - In a clause by clause discussion, the speaking sponsors for the resolution come up and speak out the resolution, clause by clause, word for word, and after each
clause, the floor is open to questions clause, the floor is open to questions. All other delegates and even the Executive Board is allowed to ask the speaking sponsors questions (POIs) on their resolution and even Points of Order if there are any to be raised in the resolution. The speaking sponsors have to answer and defend their resolution. At this same time the floor is open for amendments, which delegates can write and send via chit to the EB. In a Round table conference, the entire committee reads through, rather the EB reads through the entire resolution in one go, after which there is a round table discussion in which every delegate speaks about the resolution (supports, questions, answers) in order, either from left to right or vice versa. The floor is open to amendments that can be sent to the EB. POIs are entertained to speeches, though limited. Delegates can raise questions in their own speeches. In a moderated caucus discussion it follows as any other Mod. Cauc. The resolution is read through once completely by the committee or the EB. Then delegates wishing to speak on the resolution can give their names to the EB on the list of speakers for the Mod. Cauc. and then they can comment on and question the resolution in their speeches, POIs are entertained too. The floor is open for amendments at the time, which can be sent to the EB via chit.
Sample Resolution DRAFT RESOLUTION “XYZ” Sponsors: United States, Austria and Italy Signatories: Greece, Tajikistan, Japan, Canada, Mali, the Netherlands and Gabon Committee: General Assembly (Third Committee) Topic/Agenda: Strengthening UN coordination of humanitarian assistance in complex emergencies The General Assembly, Reminding all nations of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which recognizes the inherent dignity, equality and inalienable rights of all global citizens, Reaffirming its Resolution 33/1996 of 25 July 1996, which encourages Governments to work with UN bodies aimed at improving the coordination and effectiveness of humanitarian assistance, Noting with satisfaction the past efforts of various relevant UN bodies and nongovernmental organizations, Stressing the fact that the United Nations faces significant financial obstacles and is in need of reform, particularly in the humanitarian realm,
1. Encourages all relevant agencies of the United Nations to collaborate more closely with countries at the grassroots level to enhance the carrying out of relief efforts; 2. Urges member states to comply with the goals of the UN Department of Humanitarian Affairs to streamline efforts of humanitarian aid; 3. Requests that all nations develop rapid deployment forces to better enhance the coordination of relief efforts of humanitarian assistance in complex emergencies; 4. Calls for the development of a United Nations Trust Fund that encourages voluntary donations from the private transnational sector to aid in funding the implementation of rapid deployment forces; 5. Stresses the continuing need for impartial and objective information on the political, economic and social situations and events of all countries; 6. Calls upon states to respond quickly and generously to consolidated appeals for humanitarian assistance; 7. Requests the expansion of preventive actions and assurance of post-conflict assistance through reconstruction and development; and 8. Decides to remain seized of the matter. *note that the last clause, no.8 here, is the compulsory ending clause for any resolution and must be written word for word as it is shown above*
Amendment process There are 3 kinds of amendments that can be made to a resolution ; 1. Addition amendment – in this delegates can add something that they feel is missing in the resolution. It can be added to a previously existing clause or it can be a new clause entirely. Remember it CANNOT change any wording that is existing, it can only add new information as entire clauses or subclauses. 2. Modification amendment (edition) – in this a delegate can quote an existing clause or part of it and then give a different or modified version of it as per how they want that part changed. This amendment CAN change existing wording, grammatical errors, and while changing the said part, new info CAN be added in the modified clause or subtracted from original clause. 3. Deletion amendment – this is the simplest amendment, a delegate can simply send an amendment that says deletion amendment and delete or remove a clause completely from the resolution if they find it unnecessary, unhelpful or ambiguous.
Format of an amendment On the outside of the amendment chit; To the EB From country xyz Type of amendment (addition, deletion, modification amendment) Inside the chit If addition amendment then; Add perambulatory clause “ preambulatory phrase…………” or operative clause “7/8/9 etc. operative phrase ....................”. Quote in entirety what clause or subclause you want to add, in the same format as the clause is in the resolution obviously, be mindful of that. If modification amendment; quote “…………existing clause, subclause, part of it, whatever you want to change……..” . Then say - Modified version - and in quotes “……….write the modified or changed version you want……….” . If deletion amendment then; simply write – Delete clause 1,2,3,etc or subclause a,b,c, etc. If a preambulatory is to be deleted then quote entire clause.
The end If there are any doubts still, contact Romit Aggarwal, vice chair SC, on insta or through email ( romiticks@gmail.com ) . If there are doubts about a Plan of action ( for JCC ) or a Press release (for UEFA) then contact the respected EBs; Vikram V.V, VC of the Axis powers ( konkeytonton@gmail.com ) for JCC Rohan Aggarwal, chair of UEFA ( rohanshikshantar@gmail.com ) for UEFA