National Technical Honor Society
Honor Society for Career & Technical Education Students NTHS Honor Society for Career & Technical Education Students Over 2000 schools & college in the U.S. are affiliated with this honors society. This is a highly recognized honors society across the country NTHS is the acknowledged leader for recognizing outstanding student achievement in CTE classes. NTHS recognizes & honors students who excel in career courses & promote community service
Business & Computer Science SFHS NTHS Coordinates with All Career/Tech Organizations on Campus Marketing Teaching as a Profession Culinary Arts & Business & Computer Science Engineering
Why Should You Join? NTHS will provide an opportunity to earn a honor cord & medallion Looks great on College & Work Applications! Meet people with similar goals & interests SCHOLARSHIP OPPS!
2018 Scholarship Winners $1000 each Grace Oh & Arjun Karanam Meet people with similar goals & interests SCHOLARSHIP OPPs!
Who Can Join? Juniors and Seniors who have a 3.0+ GPA who enjoy their CTE classes; 3.6 in CTAE courses Students active in their CTSO Students who receive 1 CTE teacher recommendation
To earn Honor Cord, You must… Keep an Overall GPA of 3.0+ 3.6 average in CTE classes (2As&1B) Taken/ing 3 CTE courses or IB career Participate in 4 service projects 2 through CTSO 2 through NTHS Remain an active NTHS & CTSO member during Senior year
To earn Graduation Distinction You must… Keep an Overall GPA of 3.0+ 3.6 average in CTE classes (2As & 1B) Taken/ing 3 CTE finishing pathway Participate in 4 service projects 2 through CTSO 2 through NTHS Remain an active NTHS & CTSO member during Senior year See additional requirements at
NTHS Service Requirements You must participate in 4 service projects 2 projects must be NTHS sponsored events or private (advisor approved) 2 projects may be helping with your CTSO Ex: DECA Fashion Show, Toy Drive, Blood Drive, FBLA March of Dimes Walk for Babies, Participation Robotics Competition coordination, VEX Tournament volunteer, South’s Biggest Turkey, etc. Competitive events do not count for community service
Dues cover $30 National Membership Membership Dues Junior Year (Initial) $30 Senior Year $25 Senior Year Initial $55 Dues cover $30 National Membership Graduation honor cord Miscellaneous expenses associated with organizational activities Senior luncheon to honor graduates
Dates – Time - Deadlines Application and recommendation due to Mrs. Yonk by Friday, September 14 First NTHS meeting will be TBA Service Tracker Due before 3/1