Humorous Speech & Evaluation Contest Rules Briefing Centraler Toastmaster Club Sep 2, 2009
Humorous Speech Contest Rules 1. Purpose To improve your speaking skills To improve your speaking skills To learn by observing other speakers To learn by observing other speakers To recognize the value of humor in speaking To recognize the value of humor in speaking 2. Eligibility Members of a TM Club Members of a TM Club Completed Speaker s Certificate of Eligibility and Originality Form Completed Speaker s Certificate of Eligibility and Originality Form 3. Originality The whole speech shall be substantially original. Speakers may not use the works of others as their entire speech; besides, speakers need to identify the quotes in their speeches. The whole speech shall be substantially original. Speakers may not use the works of others as their entire speech; besides, speakers need to identify the quotes in their speeches.
4. Timing rules Timing will begin with the first definite verbal or nonverbal communication with the audience. Timing will begin with the first definite verbal or nonverbal communication with the audience. Speeches shall be from 5-7 minutes. Speeches shall be from 5-7 minutes. Green 5, Yellow 6, Red 7. Green 5, Yellow 6, Red 7. Speakers speak less than 4:30 or more than 7:30 will be disqualified. Speakers speak less than 4:30 or more than 7:30 will be disqualified. No alarm warning when over 7:30. No alarm warning when over 7:30. There will be 1 minute of silence btw each speaker. There will be 1 minute of silence btw each speaker.
Evaluation Contest Rules 1. Purpose To provide an opportunity to learn by observing proficient evaluators To provide an opportunity to learn by observing proficient evaluators To encourage development of evaluation skills To encourage development of evaluation skills 2. Eligibility Members of a TM Club Members of a TM Club Completed Speaker s Certificate of Eligibility and Originality Form Completed Speaker s Certificate of Eligibility and Originality Form 3. Test Speech In the beginning, a 5-7 minute test speech will be presented by a non- Centraler member In the beginning, a 5-7 minute test speech will be presented by a non- Centraler member 4. 5-minute preparation After the test speech, all of the contestants shall be guided by SAA to another room where they have 5 minutes to prepare. After the test speech, all of the contestants shall be guided by SAA to another room where they have 5 minutes to prepare.
5. Written Material After 5-minute preparation, all of the written materials will be handed to SAA, and will be handed back to the speakers when they are going to present their speeches. After 5-minute preparation, all of the written materials will be handed to SAA, and will be handed back to the speakers when they are going to present their speeches. 6. Timing rules Speeches shall be 2-3 minutes long. Speeches shall be 2-3 minutes long. Speakers who speak less than 1:30 or more than 3:30 will be disqualified. Speakers who speak less than 1:30 or more than 3:30 will be disqualified. Green 2:00, Yellow 2:30, Red 3:00 Green 2:00, Yellow 2:30, Red 3:00 No alarm warning when over 3:30 No alarm warning when over 3:30 There shall be 1 minute of silence btw each speakers There shall be 1 minute of silence btw each speakers