Kaufman’s Classroom Rules and Procedures
Not Enough Structure…. Not Enough Personal Responsibility….
What is a Rule? What is a Procedure? Rules MUST be responded to with a CONSEQUENCE. Rules are general expectations or standards of behavior. If rules are broken, these behaviors stop a teacher from teaching and students from learning. What is a Procedure? Procedures are expectations for specific behaviors. Procedures are the classroom structure. Procedures are the “how” we do things in the classroom.
KAUFMAN’S RULES/EXPECTATIONS Actively Listen Raise Your Hand to Be Heard Use Appropriate Language, Tone and Volume Keep Your Hands to Yourself Respect the property of others Be on Time to Class Be prepared to learn. Bring appropriate materials and positive attitude to class every day
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES Enter room quietly. Find seat quickly. Read the Daily Agenda and Complete Warm-up as soon as you sit down. Pick up handouts from PICK-UP as you enter room. Record Homework in Your Assignment Book Each Day. Submit Assignments to the TURN IT IN basket. Fill out a pass in your assignment book. Ask for a pass when there is a “pause” in instruction.
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES Check Class File Folder and/or Website for Assignments Missed During Absences. Return all learning materials back to proper place. Stay seated until the bell rings.
Grading Overall grade based on total points Assignments will be accepted after due date, but points will be deducted commensurate with assignment. Make-up tests/quizzes should be arranged upon return to school. Students need to do make-ups during RA, before school or after school.