Electromagnetic Spectrum AM Shortwave TV FM Radar & microwaves Infrared Rays Ultraviolet Rays X-rays Gamma Rays 104 m 102 m 1 m 10-2 m 10-4 m 10-6 m 10-8 m 10-10 m 10-12 m 10-14 m Increasing Wavelength Increasing Frequency Visible Spectrum ROY G BIV
E = h h = Planck’s Constant h = 6.626 10-34 Js Light and Energy The energy of light depends on its frequency/wavelength: Max Plank 1858 - 1947 h = Planck’s Constant h = 6.626 10-34 Js (Know this number!)
Electromagnetic Spectrum AM Shortwave TV FM Radar & microwaves Infrared Rays Ultraviolet Rays X-rays Gamma Rays 104 m 102 m 1 m 10-2 m 10-4 m 10-6 m 10-8 m 10-10 m 10-12 m 10-14 m Increasing Wavelength Increasing Frequency Increasing Energy E = h Visible Spectrum ROY G BIV
Energy Comparison EFM < Egreen light Visible green light: = 6.0 1014 Hz E = h E = 6.626 10-34 Js (6.0 1014 1/s) E = 4.0 10-19 J EFM < Egreen light FM Radio: = 94.5 106 Hz E = h E = 6.626 10-34 Js (94.5 106 1/s) E = 6.63 10-26 J