Welcome to Mrs. Wein’s Class! Back to School Night August 2017
Philosophy of Education Comfortable and safe environment Flexible and organized Different learning styles Real world connections Working as a TEAM Fun and exciting!!!! Student centered learning Parental/guardian involvement
Classroom Routine Morning work Word Study ELA Reading/Independent Seatwork Recess/Lunch/Read aloud Specials Math Social Studies/Science
Specials Day 1 Music Day 2 Library Day 3 Art Day 4 Gym If we miss a day it will go on to the next day. Please wear sneakers on PE days. Every Day 4
Language Arts (Word Study)- Spelling Sight words Whole group/small groups Leveled Reading groups Reading Support Strategies/skills Writing Workshop Grammar
Math Math in Focus – Building problem-solving skills and strategies Counting, comparing, and writing numbers to 100 Adding/subtracting 1-digit and 2-digit numbers Classifying and sorting shapes and patterns Measuring length and weight Using calendars, time, and money http://wcasdmath.weebly.com/
Science Trimester 1 Rocks and Minerals Trimester 2 & 3 Animals and Plants
Social Studies All About Me Families Map Skills Dealing with conflict Holidays Responsibility Working cooperatively Seasons Biographies
Writing (Daily) Writing Workshop Writer’s Notebook Writing process Invented spelling Narrative, Informational, and Opinion
WCASD Homework Policy 1. Previewing activities Definition: Homework is a teacher-assigned learning activities completed by students outside of class for the following academic purposes: 1. Previewing activities Checking for understanding Practicing skills for mastery Analyzing/synthesizing/evaluating and reflecting Reading and/or researching
Homework Homework will begin in October The homework sheet will be given out on Monday, and will be due back and signed on Friday. Monday – Thursday Read for 15 minutes (No reading log) 1 additional homework activity
Assessments * DIBELS * DRA * Math fact fluency Writing: Domain pieces Unit tests/quizzes Reports cards – 3 times trimesters (new format)online
Rules and Consequences Positive reinforcement Firm/Fair Rewards Consequences Stop and Think
Snacks/Birthdays Afternoon snack Birthdays Non-food item Donate book to class library Guest Reader Please email prior to your child’s birthday so we can plan the date and time.
Misc. Volunteering in the classroom Absence Please review the WCASD Visitor Clearance Policy Contact info nwein@wcasd.net Class Website http://weinroom3.weebly.com Twitter: @Mrs. Wein1 A written note, with signature is required within three days of returning to school. PRIDE School Theme – Where Dreams Begin
Websites Study Island First in Math Language Arts Math Gym (practice fluency addition and subtraction) http://www.edline.net/pages/Westtown-Thornbury_Elementary_/For_Parents/Curriculum_Information
Communication Communication is very important between home and school. Monthly newsletter, class website, distribution email reminders, and student portfolio (Seesaw Contact: email, note, or phone call Conferences (2)
Thank you for attending!