English This half term starts with a fiction unit based on the book Meerkat Mail. The children will be building up to writing their own voyage-and-return story with postcards. Throughout the unit the children become familiar with the book, learn grammar rules, plan and write a class story, then finally plan and write their own story, combining all the lessons previously. Our final unit this half term is a non-fiction unit based on the book How Santa Really Works. Religious Education Through our RE lessons we will be answering; Why is Christmas important to Christians? Maths This half term will start with subtraction where the children will learn a range of strategies, including the formal written method, for subtraction. They will then learn a formal written method for multiplication and division. Character Curriculum This term we will be exploring the virtues of Courage and Kindness. The children will be learning how to learn from mistakes and practise giving and receiving kindness. Finally the children will reflect on how they have used the term’s virtues in their everyday life. Daily Mile The aim of The Daily Mile is to improve the physical, social, emotional and mental health and wellbeing of our children. Children are physically active (run, jog or walk) for 15 mins a day. Year 3 - Autumn Term 2 Topic: Rocks & Soils Big Question: Why are rocks important? Wow Start: Rock exploration Fantastic finish: Volcano Day P.E The children will be focusing on the ‘social cog’ in RealPE where they will develop skills that will enable them to work well as part of a team. The other hour of PE will focus on developing the children’s Gymnastic skills. The inter-house competition for this half term is cross-country. STEM This half term the children will be learning about Rocks & Soils. This unit will be covered over the next term. This will include classifying rocks, learning about their formation and fossilisation, including a study of Mary Anning. There is also a STEM day this half term on the 14th November. Topic The children will be learning about Rocks & Soils in science. As part of this topic, the children will create accurate observational drawings of rocks. The children will also have weekly music lessons which will focus on their environment.