frustrated scared stressed uncertain expensive anxious annoyed fearful empty annoyed fearful sad expensive Ask questions Hospitals face challenge We want to help We are here to describe a tool to help the Healthcare experience prescription exhausted stressed
The Problem Hospital Performance Patient experience Provider experience Mention Stats Performance ratings are lower than they should be This is a interpersonal problem…communication problem Reputations suffers
HEP Healthcare Experience Prescription The Solution HEP Healthcare Experience Prescription HEP is a tool that we will create to help us understand and diagnose people’s experience across conditions, patients, and providers… The tool is informed by an interdisciplinary team of experts including: Quantitative methods experts Qualitative methods experts Diverse backgrounds: Healthcare administration, Marketing, Quantitative Methods, Statistics, CIS, Engineering
Healthcare Experience Prescription Map the experience Prescription Cardiac Respiratory Sepsis HEP Improvement Plan Analysis & Evaluation Data Analysis & Analytics Relate touchpoints & processes to healthcare experience Multiple Perspective Interviews Surveys Observation Hospital Performance Data Short term / long term
Outcomes & Evaluations Patient experience improvement Provider experience Readmissions Reputation Evaluation Hospital-specific Metrics Turnover/Satisfaction Readmission rate Feedback, Ratings
Revolutionary tool We hope you vote for us… because next time when you go to the hospital you don’t feel stressed, scared ….