Poppin’ Vocabulary Students will complete a popplet focusing on vocabulary development for the short story, “The Dinner Party.” Follow the directions below to complete the activity. Access the Popplet Lite App. Watch the tutorial on how to create a popplet. Begin making popplet by: Doubling Clicking (A popplet will pop up). Then, type “The Dinner Party” Vocabulary. Then, add 4 popplets off the main popplet. These are the four story vocabulary words that have been chosen to address the story (attaches, naturalist, forfeit, and rupees) . Make sure to type the word and the definition. Next, create 2 additional popplets for each vocabulary word. These two popplets will be used to provide a sentence and a picture. (Draw a picture that is reflective of the word using the drawing tool.) You make decorate the popplets using the color tool. Lastly, Click the “Export” button and click the “save JPEG” button. It will save the work on the camera roll An Apple TV will be used to display group work during whole group. This task uses: The Popplet App Or create an account to access the web-based source: http://www.popplet.com Common Core/NG Standard(s): 7.RL.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text. 7.W.6- Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing well as to interact and collaborate with others 7.L .4-Consult dictionaries /glossaries / thesauruses to identify or verify word meanings. TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/email: Carmen Manuel (carmen.mauel@cpsb.org) School: S. J. Welsh Middle School Grade Level/Subject: 7th Grade/ELA Task Card Level: 1 Special Directions/Considerations: If no Apple TV is available, use Snip it Tool. Activity Evaluation: Observation of student discussion/samples. Activity is complete or incomplete. Prerequisites for students: Students need to know how to use a dictionary and thesaurus. Text being used (from the Holt): “The Dinner Party” by Mona Gardner