Importing NEI Data From EIS Into TEISS Angelique Luedeker, ITEP/TAMS Center
Homework Discussion Discuss the answers to the SCC assignment
What is the NEI? The National Emission Inventory (NEI) is EPA’s compilation of annual estimates of air pollutants discharged from sources. The compilation includes emission estimates submitted by Tribal, State, and Local air pollution control agencies, estimates calculated by EPA, and emissions obtained from other sources.
EIS and the NEI Emission Inventory System (EIS) Data repository for air emissions data used to create NEI Contains State, Local, Tribal (S/L/T) and EPA submitted data Annual, monthly, daily data Data available via a password-protected web site EIS Gateway National Emission Inventory (NEI) Snapshot in time from EIS Inventory version shared with the public Annual emissions values Reporting cycle Every year for large point sources Every three years for all sources, most current is 2011 inventory
How is the NEI Created? S/L/T data has priority in EPA selection If data are missing from the S/L/T data file, EPA augments the data for the General Purpose Release (GPR) Examples If state data file includes PM10 emissions, but not PM2.5, EPA estimates PM2.5 emissions If state data file does not contain certain nonpoint sources, EPA estimates emissions for those sources based on default activity data
Who Has Access to the NEI? S/L/T agency users of the EIS Gateway have access to their data and any national public releases, such as the General Purpose Release (GPR) data States may authorize Tribes READ access to their data. This allows you to download state data files for direct import into TEISS General public does not have access to the data until it is released to a public website
Different Types of NEI Data State Data Files – Data the state agency submitted to NEI Register for EIS Gateway account, work with Sally Dombrowski, EPA to establish an agreement with state agency to access their data Already in EIS XML format for import into TEISS GPR Data Files – General Purpose Release, Compilation of data submitted to NEI by state agencies, local agencies and EPA developed data Available from ITEP ITEP converted to the EIS XML format
State Data Advantages Disadvantages Data available at any time once the agreement has been established Data in optional fields, such as Emission Unit Description, included Disadvantages Data might not be as robust as GPR Example, if airport emissions estimated by EPA, they are not in state data files Multiple data files might need to be obtained and imported for each source category
GPR Data Advantages Disadvantages Likely the most robust data set in terms of sources included Does not require importing multiple files for each source category Disadvantages Does not include data in optional fields Does not include release point apportionment, meaning several TEISS reports pertaining to release points do not run
Nonroad and Onroad Data National Mobile Inventory Model (NMIM) County Database (NCD) emissions snapshot data available from the EIS Gateway system Emissions calculated by EPA with NMIM using state agency data. If state agency did not supply data, EPA calculated emissions with NMIM using EPA default activity data.
Nonroad and Onroad NCD Data In the EIS Gateway report section, under Emissions Snapshot filter, search for NCD Use the most recent “EPA Nonroad…” or “EPA Onroad…” file for your area ITEP can also provide the data
Instructions for Importing GPR Data The demonstration today is on importing point and nonpoint GPR data that ITEP provided If you want state data instead, set up an EIS Gateway account and work with Sally Dombrowski at EPA to establish a sharing relationship with the state agency
Initial Steps Files ITEP provides, or you download from EIS, are zipped Initial step is to extract (unzip) the files Then, from within your TEISS project…
Import EIS XML Files Window This window opens
Importing Point Data For State Data, you must import data for point sources from two different files Facility Inventory file must be imported first This file has “Inventory_Snapshot” in its name You can then import Point Emissions file This file name starts with “Point_Emissions” For GPR Data, there is only one point source file to import
Importing Point Data 2. Use button with folder icon to navigate to where you saved the extracted point data file 1. Check Import Point Sources box 3. Check Selected Locations button 4. Select one or several counties you want to import 5. Click on Import button
Waiting Importing might take awhile depending on File size How many counties you import We recommend importing data for not more than three counties at a time unless you have time to let your computer work For this class, make sure you do not select All Locations under Import Options It could take hours to load data for all counties in a state depending on file size
Success When TEISS is done importing…
Importing Other Data Nonpoint, Nonroad, Onroad, and Event/Fire data files can be imported with the other tabs Process is similar for these data types Demonstration
Homework due in 5 days: Import the point and nonpoint GPR data ITEP provided into your TEISS project (from Module 5) Import data for the counties surrounding your reservation and for any other counties you feel are affecting the reservation air quality Email the instructors a screen capture of the map when the data have been imported