Overall Timeline (All Deployments) Project Overall Status – January 7 to 18, 2019 Overall Y Program is on track, per timeline, scope and budget DG2 Training content development and UAT framework are behind and at risk Schedule Analyzing overlap between DG2 and DG3 tasks Monitoring scope and timing of Budgeting Tool, Continuing Education, Online Admissions Application, Physical Assets and OBIA implementations Scope RTM needs to be updated to validate original RFP requirements have been implemented, tested, and end users trained on the processes and functionality Budget Currently tracking under budget due to delayed hiring, timing of re-implementation of solutions (Continuing Education, Online Admissions Application, Budget) Executive Summary The project is tracking per schedule and under budget. Review and definition of scope for each deployment is still underway due to the rework of key solutions. Deployment Group 2 (DG2) is in the Construct Phase, focused on Local Configuration and Conversion activities and prep for UAT and UAT Training. DG3 Initiation Phase/Gate 1 is complete and Steering Committee accepted the college to move to Structure Phase/Gate 2. DG3 official kickoff is January 28. Remediation work continues to be a priority working in parallel with the Deployment activities. The Continuing Education solution awarded on 1/24/19 and will be reviewed and approved in the Steering Committee on 1/29/19. Work on the OAA solution is underway. Overall Status Summary per Deployment Group DG# Status Comments Risks/Issues Reported DG2 Y DG2 Training content development and UAT framework are behind and at risk Chart of Accounts implementation and SME adoption. DG3 G DG3 Colleges all participated in a Pre-Kick Off to educate College teams on key implementation deliverables Important for SMEs to engage in first project activity after kick-off, Global Design Adoption. DG4 DG4 will begin status reporting of the ctcLink Initiation Phase Dashboards Initiation Phase – PMs working on deliverables for Gate 1. Overall Timeline (All Deployments) LEGEND: High Medium Low
Top Risks Reported – as of Jan. 18, 2019 LEGEND: Critical High Moderate Low C H L M Risk Level Risk Description Mitigating Actions Submitted by (name, org/college), Deployment Group & Date Risk Owner (s) High ctcLink Testing (QA) – Functional testing may not be completed by the due date in the project schedule of 2/19/19. Functional analysts have many overlapping tasks and may need help from PMO to prioritize tasks or leveling of the Project Plan. Tami Whitney, Testing Manager DG 2 Impacted, Risk Date: 1/28/19 Tara Keen & Serena Hansen Chart of Accounts – User adoption and successful deployment (scheduled for July 1, 2019) is critical for Deployment Group (DG) 2 timeline. In November 2018, the FIN Team has developed and provided FirstLink Colleges (Tacoma and Spokane District) with documentation regarding the new Chart of Accounts re-design. This information is instrumental in helping SMEs adopt the new Chart of Accounts and its associated business processes. Emmett Folk, ctcLink PM for FIN & HCM Team DG 2 Impacted, Risk Date 5/1/19 ctcLink Technical – Third Party Integration Retrofits for Products Released and Managed by ERP Support / Application Services Working with ERP Support and Application Services to determine which application interfaces that require retrofit work and the necessary steps to complete for unit and Functional Testing. Tara Keen, ctcLink Assistant Project Director DG 2 Impacted, Risk Date: 1/8/19 Tara Keen, Chandan Goel, Sandy Main Top Issues Reported – as of Jan. 18, 2019 LEGEND: High Moderate Low H L M Issue Level Issue Description Status Update Submitted by (name, org/college), Deployment Group & Date Issue Owner (s) High ctcLink Training - The development of the Training content is behind schedule due to the alignment of the training team and new approach to Training delivery. The training scope content is being defined and we are working with a vendor to help address the delay in the buildout of training content in preparations of training delivery for DG2 colleges and SBCTC. Gretchen Fulmer, ctcLink Training Manager DG 2 Impacted, Tied to Risk Date:11/9/18 and Issue Date:12/19/18 Dennis Colgan ctcLink SF (Student Financials) –Extract Logic for conversion needs to be reviewed for Cycle 3. Data services provided cross-walks to new fee codes, SF functional team have configured the new fee codes, SF conversion will run in a test instance this week. John Henry Whatley, ctcLink PM for CS Team DG 2 Impacted, Issue Date:11/12/18 Chandan Goel
Budget Status – as of Dec. 31, 2019
ctcLink Quality Assurance Scorecard Moran Technology Consulting Report: December 2018 Overall Status Y ctcLink Quality Assurance Scorecard - Moran Technology Consulting , November 2018 STATUS PROJECT AREA DESCRIPTION / NOTES G SBCTC/Governance Governance framework continues to work as expected. Program Management Project Management Office (PMO) is fully staffed, working well together and continuing to address improvements in project management processes. Y Phase Scope QA concerned about implementation schedules for replacement solutions. Will know more once solutions are selected. Schedule Status SBCTC closed the FY years for FLCS on 11/30/18, additional adjustments will be made in FY2019. New Chart of Accounts scheduled for July 2019. DG 2 and DG 3 schedule overlap. R Training Content Development is behind schedule. PMO is taking appropriate actions (reallocating resources and working with a vendor on development support) to recover the schedule. Testing DG 2 Testing work stream relies heavily on availability of functional project staff and the impact of resources with DG 2 and DG 3 overlap during specific phases. Configurations / Data Conversion DG 2 Colleges are beginning to work in Data Conversion Cycle #3. The new standard Chart of Accounts has been configured and vetted with system-wide finance groups. FLCs will need to take ownership of the new Chart of Accounts. Organizational Change Management (OCM) OCM is actively engaged in multiple areas, all focused on getting DG 2 and DG 3 colleges ready for deployment. Kickoff for DG3 is scheduled for January 28, 2019. Project Staffing Staffing is okay at this time. Overlap of DG 2 and DG 3 may require additional resources. Technical Environment SBCTC continues to monitor system performance; there have been no outages since early September 2018 and then early January 2019 Paul: Cover any items not already discussed. LEGEND GREEN YELLOW RED Risk Description Low risks may be encountered. NO immediate action needed Moderate risks may be encountered. Serious deficiency and action item recommended. High risks may be encountered. Needs to be escalated and can impact project effort or cost.
WA State Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) Oversight Overall Status Y WA State Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) Oversight WA State Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) Oversight OCIO Conditions to new ctcLink Investment Plan Approval Status G 1 Project must remain in-line with SBCTC and OCIO policies Complete 2 QA (Moran) to report to ctcLink executive sponsor and State CIO 3 Follow pre-determined OFM funding gates and approvals 4 Monthly status reporting 5 Continue reporting on Remediation items in Integrated Work Plan Y 6 OCIO approval of the 3 remediation solutions: Budgeting tool, Continuing Education Application, Online Admissions Application In Progress 7 OCIO must be notified prior to use of contingency funds N/A 8 Perform a post-implementation review (lessons learned) after each deployment and post on the OCIO dashboard within 30 days of go-live Planned as Activities in Project Work Plans 9 Process and timeline for filling the SBCTC CIO position by 1/31/2018 Note: New ctcLink Investment Plan approved by OCIO, with above conditions, on Jan. 19, 2018.
Deployment Group 2 Timeline (High Level Phases)
Pillar Status – January 7 to 18, 2019 Human Capital Management Campus Solutions G Accomplished this period Cycle 3 Crosswalk hand off with Clark OAA Quick Wins WebEx with FLC Return to Title IV (R2T4) info session with Clark Clark follow-up WebEx for Application Fees & Deposits, Academic Plans, Dynamic Dates, Adjustment Calendar Continue work on SAP Modification Continue work on SF Third Party Billing/Invoice Continue UAT material planning/build Continue GDA development and recording Review of Training Materials Planned for next period BPFG Material Build Follow up OAA Quick Wins meeting with SBCTC (1/23/2019) Begin OAA Quick Win development and testing Continue SAP CPW modification work Continue SF remediation item (Third Party Billing) Continued Dual Processing testing Continue FIT testing SF conversion logic review Work on Local Configuration Guides Scope definition and planning for FA CPW Plan interview schedule for vacant CS Core Functional Analyst position Planned, but not completed SF remediation item Third Party Billing Clark equation build and testing Human Capital Management G Accomplished this period Completed DGA content development Began UAT diagram/scenario updates and related content build Continued preparation and documentation updates for Conv. Cycle 3 Continued Functional Testing and updating/creating FNC Test scripts Continued review of Training content structure and materials Continued configuration build out in FNC environment Planned for next period Continue Functional Testing and updating/creating FNC Test scripts Continue review of Training content structure and materials Continue preparation and documentation updates for Conv. Cycle 3 Continue UAT diagram/scenario updates and related content build Continue configuration build out in FNC environment Planned, but not completed n/a Financial Services G Accomplished this period Completed DGA content development Began UAT diagram/scenario updates and related content build Continued preparation and documentation updates for Conversion Cycle 3 Continued Functional Testing and updating/creating FNC Test scripts Continued review of Training content structure and materials Continued configuration build out in FNC environment Planned for next period Continue preparation and documentation updates for Conversion Cycle 3 Continue Functional Testing and updating/creating FNC Test scripts Continue review of Training content structure and materials Continue UAT diagram/scenario updates and related content build Continue configuration build out in FNC environment Planned, but not completed n/a Pillar Status – as of 6/8/2018
Workstream Status – January 7 to 18, 2019 Communications G Accomplished this period Supported ctcLink governance and agency leadership with meetings and additional planning/decision points Final prep work and attendance at Technology Services Board meeting Global Design Approach (GDA) and Business Process Fit/Gap (BPFG) communications prep Drafted new Status Report compilation template Revised DG3, DG2 and Overall Project timelines Reformatted DG Peer Review rubric and peer review presentation compilation Revamped ctcLink general slide deck for upcoming commission and council meetings Planned for next period Present to Public Information Commission, Jan. 23 DG3 kickoff prep Develop comprehensive meetings list Testing Y Accomplished this period Completed data requests to support PETA (PeopleSoft Enterprise Test Automation) Developed project plan for the PETA implementation Created a UAT test plan in prototype in Oracle Test Manager that will be vetted with the project team Created UAT material build project plan for campus community student financials and financial aid Complete Student Financials Tier 1 flows that will be used to build the UAT materials Planned for next period Continue completing data requests to support the PETA (PeopleSoft Enterprise Test Automation) implementation Obtain approval of the UAT test plan in prototype in Oracle Test Manager from the project team Resource UAT material build project plan for campus community student financials and financial aid Continue to build the UAT framework in the reference center that will be used by the functional analysts to build UAT materials Planned, but not completed Complete a UAT framework prototype so it can be vetted with internal staff and college PMs Finalize UAT Material build section of the project plan. Create a UAT test plan prototype in OTM Define when the college test lead needs to engage in testing activities *If status is yellow or red, describe why. Overlapping project tasks that utilize the same resources may impact testing task completion. CS UAT scope definition homework submission is behind schedule. Functional testing is currently behind schedule and may impact the start of system integration testing. UAT material build scope definition is behind schedule. Technical Y No Report out for this period do to change in key technical roles. *If status is yellow or red, describe why. Training R Accomplished this period Met with all pillar areas to determine needs for “just in time” Pre-UAT training Uploaded, captioned and posted GDA content into 6 pillar GDA Canvas courses. Performed QA analysis prior to delivery. Worked with Angela, Kaci and Corinne to build out custom list to manage training inventory in SharePoint Met with vendor regarding build and delivery of “just in time” training for Pre-UAT training for the Finance Pillar Planned for next period Work with Functional Team to continue strong push to define training scope, work assignments, activity durations, dependencies for Pre-UAT training delivery Continue work with Angela and Kaci to build custom list in SharePoint New resource onboarding Planned, but not completed Finalize training scope – Pre- UAT Training as well as long-term training with new approach *If status is yellow or red, describe why. Material build time estimate still being conducted; has impacted ability to determine scope. Shift in scope definition due to Pre-UAT training Potential of missing targeted dates in the Project Schedule – will be able to determine when scope is defined. Organizational Change Management G Accomplished this period Worked with PMO and functional teams to finalize tasks on college repeatable schedule Worked with PMO and Risk Manager to identify lessons learned with the Peer Review process Created schedule, canvas courses, registration sheets and secured locations for all of the BPFG sessions for DG3 Continued development on 5 yr schedule of events with PMO and all Deployment Groups Collaborated with OCM Functional Liaison about providing “what is ctcLink” information sessions to SBCTC Agency staff Planned for next period Continue to work with CPW Facilitators and Functional Teams to schedule upcoming sessions Continued planning for Guided Pathways Requirements Gathering Workshops Continued work on the communication, registration and delivery of the upcoming GDA & BPFG courses
Deployment Group 2 Self-Reported Status – January 7 to 18, 2019 Clark College G Accomplished this period Held Lunchebration (lunch and celebration) to celebrate our successes in data validation, collect lessons learned, and discuss a plan for Cycle 3. 90-minute presentation to Guided Pathways Pillar 3 group about ctcLink and how it supports Guided Pathways. Continue meetings to complete Change Action Plans Continue adding Change action plans into a work plan document. Met with faculty to work on communication plan Completed as much as we could for UAT Planned for next period Finalize Communication Plan Data Validation schedule for February Planned, but not completed 3C’c homework SBCTC Agency G Accomplished this period SBCTC Agency Crosswalk and homework completed, Jan. 18 HR completed Change Impact Analysis & Planning on New Hire, Employee Change and Separation, and Leave w/o Pay processes, Jan. 16 FIN completed Change Impact Analysis & Planning on Cash Management and three Grants’ processes, Jan. 17 Report out on change readiness assessment sent to all SBCTC staff with meetings underway to set up information sessions based on survey result, Jan. 14 Planned for next period Completion/approval of agency graphical representation of all work needed for project success. Estimated completion date, Jan. 7. PM/OCM providing drafted roadmap to Executive Sponsor week of Jan. 7, reviewed by SMEs Jan. 11, Ready for final review with project team schedule dates by Feb. 1. Additional ADKAR training to be scheduled by Jan. 18. Update: email sent to Deputy Executive Directors for approval before sending to all staff, 1/16/19 Planned, but not completed Completion of 5 remaining UAT Homework items. PM will email SMEs with remaining UAT week of (w/o) 1/21/19 Community Colleges of Spokane R Accomplished this period Planning/Strategy meetings in progress for Chart of Accounts CoA Kickoff meeting scheduled for 1/31 in Spokane Planned for next period Security Role Redesign: Waiting for Finance Matrix with Business Processes added. Due end of Jan. Matt Connelly to develop process/plan and schedule for completing this work. Chart of Accounts Redesign: CCS finalize new CoA structure Communicate structure/strategy at Jan. 31 kickoff meeting. Work on Organizational Change Management Plan Confirm SBCTC tasks vs. college tasks Start building schedule/timeline with SBCTC *If status is yellow or red, describe why. Remediation Conditions in progress. Completion dates or UAT dates still not provided. FY 16, 17 & 18 Closed by SBCTC. CCS needs to make Journal Entry adjustments for 16, 1 & 18 to address $18,000,000 variance. CCS nearing completion of defining new Chart of Accounts structure/strategy. Tacoma Community College G Accomplished this period Local SMEs attended ctcLink Security redesign group, ctcLink PM groups, ctcLink governance groups, various ctcLink status meetings Participated in ctcLink Security redesign activities Planned for next period Participate in Conversion Cycle 3 Data Validation as needed Local SMEs attend ctcLink Security redesign group, ctcLink PM groups, ctcLink governance groups, various ctcLink status meetings
ctcLink Remediation Status Reports – January 7 to 18, 2019 Remediation/Solution Status Campus Solutions 13 of 45 remain open Financial Management 14 of 39 remain open Human Capital Management 9 of 25 remain open Faculty Workload Package 2 postponed due to calculations issues discovered during testing, work in progress to resolve. DRS Redistribution Waiting on approval of formula from SBCTC and then can complete the development. Absence Management ERP Support SIT and then college UAT Security Audit Controls Incorporated into Security Redesign Student Billing Budget Planning Sub-committee began Jan 2019 to review, finalize requirements Online Admissions Application OAA workgroup reviewing other OAA options. Discussions, demos with preferred college solutions. Continuing Education RFP closed, proposals evaluated and vendor demos completed. Recommendation by work group to Governance pending. Tacoma Community College G See SBCTC update on 10 remediation items. Accomplished this period Participated in OAA “Quick Wins” review Planned for next period Retrieve status documentation and details from SBCTC on remediation for review. Community Colleges of Spokane R Remediation Items progress this period Closing Fiscal Years - SBCTC closed FY 16,17, 18 on 11/30/18. SBCTC opened 3 periods for us in 2019. Security role redesign – Security roles matrix final drafts for CS and HCM handed off to working group for review. Waiting on Finance matrix with business processes added. Absence management (adjunct & part-time faculty). Testing complete. Planning for UAT. Pending dates for UAT & Implementation. DRS & PEBB - Back in development. Pending status/timeline from SBCTC. Faculty Workload Improvements. In dev, ready for UAT by Mar 1st. Need for Spring contracts. Student third party billing – Student Billing – Preparing for UAT. Third Party billing in development for creating a new query. Pending dates for UAT & Implementation. *If status is yellow or red, describe why. Remediation Conditions in progress. Still missing completion or UAT dates. Completion dates unknown or continue to be delayed. Security Redesign project not addressing all business control concerns or cross college data access issues. Not supporting multiple-IDs is a potential security risk. Project Team R Accomplished this period Security Re-Design Continues Chart of Accounts Adoption workshops scheduled with Spokane Complete Third-Party Invoice for CS 9.0 Development Planned for next period Begin SIT of Third-Party Invoice for CS 9.0 Development Complete ERP SIT and College UAT Testing of Student Invoice for CS 9.0 Complete ERP SIT and College UAT Absence Management and prepare for UAT Continue Faculty Workload SIT Continue work on DRS formula and begin testing Planned, but not completed ERP Testing of Student Invoice for CS 9.0 and prepare for UAT ERP Testing of Absence Management and prepare for UAT Continue Faculty Workload development adjustments discovered during SIT *If status is yellow or red, describe why. Agreed upon timelines have been missed for CCS conditions, work is in progress and need support of other teams at SBCTC to move work forward in production testing path.
Other ctcLink Project Activities – Status as of Jan. 18, 2019 New Solution Status RFP Publish Solution Decision Continuing Education RFP was developed and approved by Governance RFP proposals due November 15, 2018 3 Vendors responded and subgroup is evaluating solution Vendor demos scheduled for December 19, 2018 Solution presented to governance for approval in January 10/15/2018 January 2019 Online Admissions Application Sub-Committee finalized OAA requirements Project Team performed Fit/Gap of ctcLink functionality OAA workgroup evaluated select solutions currently in use at other PeopleSoft universities and colleges OAA workgroup developing a short list of best/possible solutions to identify those solutions If needed, develop RFP TBD Budget Planning Committee to be formed to review, finalize and approve Budgeting requirements Review requirements against Oracle PBCS Solution February 2019 Physical Inventory (Asset Tracking) Vendor Solutions being evaluated Evaluate new PS Functionality that will provide integration for asset tracking scanners directly with ctcLink 5/21/2018 Delayed to evaluate new functionality within PS Accessibility Continued discussions with Appsian (formerly Grey Heller) Accessibility vendor to assist with testing of ctcLink Validation approach using Appsian solution on ctcLink versions being discussed and coordinated N/A DG2 System Integration Testing – March 2019 Guided Pathways Steering Committee approved approach for gathering business requirements for Guided Pathways March – June 2019