The study of how people live in groups is also known as… A.) political science B.) geography C.) history D.) social science L W
Someone who studies the past by looking at artifacts that people left behind is… A.) a geographer B.) an archeologist C.) a political scientist D.) an economist L W
Someone who studies governments and how people use their power is… A.) a geographer B.) a political scientist C.) an economist D.) a historian L W
The way people in a community use resources to meet their needs and wants is known as… A.) economy B.) history C.) geography D.) political science L W
A person who studies how people live in groups is known as… A.) a historian B.) a geographer C.) a social scientist D.) a political scientist L W
Someone who studies natural and human features is known as… A.) an economist B.) a geographer C.) a historian D.) a political scientist L W
Someone who studies how people use the resources to meet their needs and wants is… A.) an economist B.) a geographer C.) a historian D.) a political scientist L W
Someone who studies the past is known as… A.) a geographer B.) a political scientist C.) a historian D.) an economist L W
Which of the following is NOT an example of a need? A.) food B.) clothing C.) video games D.) shelter L W
Who would be interested in old photos? A.) a geographer B.) an economist C.) a historian D.) a political scientist L W
Who would ask “How much did you pay for…?” A.) a historian B.) a political scientist C.) an economist D.) a geographer L W
Who would be interested in a bird’s nest? A.) an economist B.) a geographer C.) a political scientist D.) a historian L W
Who would ask, “Who was in charge of buying or making the shoes?” A.) a geographer B.) a political scientist C.) a historian D.) an economist L W
Who would ask, “How much did the shoes cost to make?” A.) a geographer B.) a historian C.) an economist D.) a political scientist L W
Who would be interested in this postcard? OPEN ENDED: Who would be interested in this postcard? Why? L W
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