Strength and Power Development WP l Stormers 2011 Stephan du Toit Strength & Conditioning Trainer DHL WP l Stormers
Strength “The maximal amount of force a muscle or muscle group can generate in a specific movement pattern at a specified velocity of movement.” (Knuttgen and Kraemer, 1987) “Whatever you don’t train you lose.” “If you are weak you are dead.” “But then we get players that gym like Tarzan and play like Jane.”
Power “Time rate of doing work (physics).” Power (W): Work (J) / Time (sec) Work (J): Force (9.8m/s²) x Distance/Reps Power (W): Force x Velocity Velocity: Distance / Time Make it easy and get a Tendo Measuring Unit or something similar.
Stormers Focus 2010 / 2011 Decrease body-fat, increase Body-weight and Strength. Decrease Coaching and allow for 3 more weeks of Conditioning than in 2009/2010.
Planning Phase Duration Focus Post Competition Rest 2 Weeks Rest, Muskuloskeletals, Medicals Cross-Over / Activation 1 Week Rest, Low-Impact Cardio, Gym Introduction Conditioning 4 Weeks Strength, Hypertrophy, Fun, GPP, Dynamic Stability Holiday 3 Weeks Maintenance Transition Physical / Medical Assessments, Fun Pre-Season Coaching 6 Weeks Strength, Power, GPP, Conditioning Blocks, Friendly Matches
Planning Continued Phase Duration Focus Matches SA 8 Weeks Coaching, In-Season Conditioning Maintenance Bye 1 Week Recuperation, Medical Treatments 2 Weeks NZ / Aus Tour 4 Weeks Travel Management Travel Management, Coaching, In-Season Conditioning Maintenance Play-Offs 3 Weeks Training Management
Reconversion Table 1-10 Repetition Guide 11-21 Repetition Guide %1RM 100 95 92 89 86 83 81 79 77 75 Reps 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Reconvert - 1.05 1.08 1.12 1.16 1.20 1.23 1.26 1.29 1.33 11-21 Repetition Guide 73 71 69.5 68 66.5 65 64 63 62 61 60 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1.36 1.40 1.43 1.47 1.5 1.53 1.56 1.58 1.61 1.63 1.66 Baker, D., 2003.
Conditioning Planning # Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Linear (Subtle-prog) 3*10 60% 3*8 70% 75% 3*6 80% 85% 3*5 87.5% 90% Test new 1RM (Step-wise) 4*10 65% 67.5% 77.5% 82.5% 2*3 95% 97.5% “ “ Undulating 4*8 3*4 92.5% Accumulation/ Intensification 6*3 6*4 6*5 6*6 5*5 4*4 3*3 2*2 100% Wave-like #1 Wave-like #2 10-8-6 60-75% 8-6-5 70-82% 6-5-3 77-92% 65-80% 75-87% 82-95% 5-3-2 87-100% Modified from Poliquin (1988), Baker (1994), Baker (1998) and Stone et al (1982).
Off-Season Gym Mixture between Undulating and Wave-like planning within the weeks as well as the sessions. 3 x 4-week phases
Programme / Weekly Design Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 08h00 UB 1 UB 2 Team Cardio GPP Fun 09h00 Supplement 10h00 LB 1 Stability LB 2
Programme Design Phase 1 & 2 Progr 1 – Chest, Biceps, Traps Progr 2 – Shoulders, Back, Triceps Progr 3 – Legs Anterior Progr 4 – Legs Posterior Progr 5 – Legs Anterior & Posterior
Programme Design Phase 3 Progr 1 – UB Push / Pull Progr 2 – UB Push / Pull Progr 3 – LB Full Programmes included more Contrast Power and Tabata Training than previous phases.
Programme Design Power Contrast Single Strength Supersets Volume Sets 1A, 1B Single Strength 1, 2 Supersets Volume Sets 1A, 1B, 1C Arm Superset 1 Tabata included in Phase 3 8 x [20sec on, 10sec rest]
GPP / Strongman All sessions must be mentally challenging. 1:1 Work:Rest 6 Exercises, 6 Reps, intermittent with 2:1 Work:Rest LB Push A-Frames LB Pull Chain Pull FB Lift Tyre Flips FB Rotation Hammer Strike FB Carry 80litre Physio-Ball Walk FB Power Rocketbag Power Clean
In-Season Gym Monday Full-Body Week 1 6,5,4 Week 2 5,4,3 Week 3 4,3,2 1 x Olympic 1 x Squat 1 x Posterior 1 x UB Horizontal Push / Pull 1 x UB Vertical Push / Pull Week 1 6,5,4 Week 2 5,4,3 Week 3 4,3,2
In-Season Gym Tuesday Hypertrophy UB Extras Off-Season Programme Tight 5 Functional Training 30min Stability / Pre-hab Managed by Physiotherapist
In-Season Gym Thursday Power / Speed Contrast Week 1 6,6 / 2,2 1 x Explosive Push / 5-10m Start 1 x Explosive Pull / Triple Extension Dynamic Movement 1 x Explosive Rotation / Ladder Rotation Drill 1 x Explosive Squat / Explosive Jump Week 1 6,6 / 2,2 Week 2 5,5 / 2,1 Week 3 4,4 / 1,1
Alternative Training Rule of 24 Bill Starr 5 x 5 WSBFSB Couplets Triplets
Power Training Either emphasize Mass or Acceleration Parameters Speed Strength 10 – 40% 1RM 0.8 – 1.0 metres / sec Strength Speed 50 – 80% 1RM 0.6 – 0.7 metres / sec Max Strength >80% 1RM 0.3 – 0.5 metres / sec Olympic Lifts Power Snatch 1.5 metres / sec Power Clean 1.25 metres / sec
Field Fitness “it is not a question whether the player can last the game rather it is a question of how well the player can reproduce over the 14-20 minutes the high intensity bouts of activity that are required of during play.”
Fitness Sessions NPS Heart Rate Off-Season Fusion (Power, Strength) Heart Rate Off-Season Conditioning Games In-Season Pro’s and Cons Dynamic Specific Conditioning T-bag etc 40:20, 30:30, 20:40