THE POWER OF AN APPLE Wellness 2 Mrs. Gunderson
What our government suggests Healthy People 2020 Increase fruit to .9 Cup per 1,000 calories. Increase vegetables to 1.1 Cups per 1,000 calories. Reduce percent of total calories from added sugars to 10.8 percent. Make ½ your plate fruits & vegetables. Reduce added sugar intake.
What our government is paying for What is a subsidy? A governmental financial subsidy is paid to farmers to supplement their income to manage the supply of a commodity. Originally started in the 20’s and 30’s during the great depression. But what is being subsidized now? And NOT being subsidized?
Financial food breakdown Why does a salad cost more than a Big Mac? Part of the reason is that a huge proportion of our food subsidies go to meat while only 0.37 percent go to fruits and vegetables. That makes meat and dairy artificially cheap, so we end up consuming more of it than we should, and getting fatter.
If you can’t buy all organic at least buy these Organic!!! Organic foods a must . . . If you can’t buy all organic at least buy these Organic!!! It’s for your Safety!!! =lVu53QXs_W0
Now what do we do . . . Buy organic. Buy local when you can. Choose foods. Not processed/packaged foods. Quality more important than quantity.
references Associated Press. (2005, August 11). Farm subsidies not in sync with food pyramid. Retrieved from Health vs. pork: congress debates the farm bill. (2007, Autumn). Good Medicine, 16(4), 11. Retrieved from U.S. Department of Agriculture, MyPlate. (2011). Choose Retrieved from website: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Pesticide Data Program. (2009). Pesticide data program: Annual summary, calendar year 2009 (Report No. 19). Retrieved from website: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Healthy People 2020. (2011). Nutrition and weight status. Retrieved from website: 9