Sign up---Endangered Species groups
RESEARCH: homework to be done over the weekend group research Meet in groups before you leave- figure out who is going to research what... All members need to research what is currently being done today to save your species (if anything) Read the articles that I email to each member. Tuesday Feb. 26th we will meet in our groups and brain storm about other possible solutions considering the species natural history, behavior and cultural attitudes toward the species etc.. Board work-share with rest of class – class discussion on solutions- RESEARCH: homework to be done over the weekend
Important Characteristics Range: size, habitat type, geographic location proximity to development etc. are they limited to? population status Reproductive requirements: parental investment, # of young, average life span, age of maturity, length of gestation period Behavior: secretive? Gregarious? Migration? Food : limited? Carnivore or herbivore? How do they hunt? Position in food chain: apex predator? Keystone species? Herbivore? Carnivore? omnivore
Issues effecting Species habitat loss fragmentation/Deforestation Pesticides/pollution Poaching and Illegal wildlife trade- economically valuable Negative public image/predator eradication programs Climate change
Recovery of Endangered Species Education of public- Awareness of issue- donate for the cause Research - reproduction, requirements Local community involvement power of $$$ Boycotting products ie ivory, exotic pets Community patrols, economic alternatives Protection and/or restoration of remaining habitat and population Wildlife predator compensation program or Predator/prey fund Guard dog program Captive breeding programs/relocation Political support of governing body Lobbying for legislation --- protest
thylacine Important characteristics: shy-unable to breed in captivity, little was known solitary predators, nocturnal low birth rate and limited lifespan opportunistic carnivore- sheep Reasons for extinction: livestock predator extermination program Very little known about its natural history/behavior reputation as bloodthirsty killers. disease Recommendations: Extensive field research media campaign/ re-education program-- ecology political protest to stop extermination program preservation of habitat Possible relocation? predator/ prey fund guard dogs for livestock
resources World wildlife fund National Wildlife Federation African Wildlife Federation Wolf conservation center
monarchs mexico-1992151640.html -degradation-in-the-core-zone-of-the-monarch- butterfly-biosphere-reserve-2015- 2016?autologin=true&link=txt2&utm_campaign =food&utm_medium=email&utm_source=advo cacy-alert&utm_content=160830-aecd
wolves dogs-protect-cheetahs-wolves/ predators-legend-of-the-wolf-1.14841
elephants census-1993894628.html cameroon/index.cfm?uProjectID=9F0725
Vaquita dolphin /08/140813-vaquita-gulf-california-mexico- totoaba-gillnetting-china-baiji/ government-stands-solidarity-sea-shepherd- save-nearly-extinct-vaquita-dolphin/
Lehmann’s poison frog /nov/16/amphibians-terrifying-extinction-threat http://www.tropical-rainforest- http://www.tropical-rainforest-
Polar Bear olar-bears-starve-melting-sea-ice-global- warming-study-beaufort-sea-environment/ oil-drilling-polar- bears.html?rref=collection%2Ftimestopic%2FP olar%20Bears&action=click&contentCollection= timestopics®ion=stream&module=stream_u nit&version=latest&contentPlacement=5&pgtyp e=collection