Mahoning County Career & Technical Center Job Shadowing Mahoning County Career & Technical Center
Our story.
History cumbersome many steps many forms many layers lack of data (estimated: 60-65% participation in the past) but still a great opportunity for all students. for both juniors and seniors each year.
Our Goals Streamline the process Meet Quality Program Standards Have fun with it.
Streamline the process Simplify the processes and use Google technology; Sheets Docs Forms Place more responsibility on the student; Locating employers: 90% Student 8% Teacher (facilitate) 2% Job Shadow Organizers
Meet Quality Program Standards Standard 2: School and Community Relations; Stakeholders engaged in supporting CTE programs Standard 5: Curriculum and Program Design & Standard 7: Assessment; Experiential learning items within standards Standard 8: Experiential Learning Experience Programs; Working toward 100% participation goal
Have fun with it. Provide opportunities for all students Employment-related opportunities can result Make life easier for everyone in the process Make the process simple Easy to use documents
Our Goals: Process Goals Streamline the process Meet Quality Program Standards Have fun with it.
Continual Improvement Gather data/feedback Reflect on the data results / processes Reduction of suboptimal processes Make improvements based on revised goals
Our New Goals + Outcome Goals Continue to streamline the process Meet Quality Program Standards to a higher degree Provide opportunities for all students AND ensure all students take advantage. Continue to have fun with it.
Streamline the process: Our improvements Use of Google technology:
Meet Quality Program Standards Standard 2: School and Community Relations; Stakeholders engaged in supporting CTE programs Standard 5: Curriculum and Program Design & Standard 7: Assessment; Experiential learning items within standards Incorporated Education Service Center & One Stop: Ohio Means Jobs Alternative Experience
Experiential Learning Opportunity: Alternative Experience Ohio Means Jobs: Students create an account Mahoning Co. One Stop: Students create an account Career profile based on skills, education, and interests. Did an Occupation search: Industry search, education search, keyword search, salary range search Each students set up a career plan; covering core job skills, assessments, academic fundamentals. Salaries and education requirements by geographic area Some students submitted their resumes on the OMJ website with help from the facilitators. Students chose a partner and interviewed each, utilizing the information from the facilitator.
Meet Quality Program Standards Standard 8: Experiential Learning Experience Programs; Working toward 100% participation goal from 81% Reasons for non-participation: 35%: School-based reasons Not all teachers made job shadow mandatory for all students 65%: Student-based reasons “not being able to find a place to shadow” “not having a ride to get there” “not trying to find a place.”
Continual Improvement