ARAUCO Teachers of English Network 2004 – 2005 Report Erna Robles Mera Provincial Coordinator Liceo San Felipe de Arauco Arauco, May 30th, 2005
MAIN GOALS Meet common challenges to deal with the teaching and learning of English as FL; Exchange pedagogical strategies and innovating activites; Encourage and improve our professional development ; Have an opportunity to reflect on our practices and also practice our English.
Arauco Network communes are 7: Curanilahue, Los Alamos, Tirua, Lebu, Contulmo, Cañete and Arauco. 35 to 40 teachers: Elementary and High Schools Supervisor: Washington Chávez Deprov Lebu
2004 Main Activities 5 General Meetings Lesson Planning Format Pasantía Reports (2) IATEFL Conference Reports (Liverpool in April - Santiago in May) Transference of PET Seminar in Concepción. Exchange useful classroom activites Workshops Second English Song Festival in the Liceo San Felipe de Arauco Participation in the MINEDUC PROJECT (Planning, development and execution of it)
Project Working with the four skills: Inside and Outside the Classroom Main Objective Train our students´ abilities simulating the KET (8th Grade) and PET (4th Grade) Exams Contest that develops and integrates the four skills: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking Topic: Food and Healthy Habits
CONTEST PROCEDURE 3 Levels: 1.- Inside of each elementary and high school; 2.- Between schools and high schools in their cities; 3.- Final Provincial Contest in Curanilahue (Lebu, Curanilahue, Contulmo, Los Alamos and Arauco ) N° students : 700 (8th grade – 4th Grade) N° Teachers: 20
EVALUATION Students Get acquainted and better prepared to face external evaluations like KET – PET; More confident to manage in English: self -esteem Know and value healthy food habits. Teachers Share experiences with other colleagues; Motivate our students; Live an external evaluation process; Self evaluation; Access to Books to prepare for the KET and PET exams (by cities); Create an exercise database related to these exams.
CONCLUSIONS A very innovative project; Our students were highly motivated and able to suceed in English Teacher also highly motivated and satisfied of their students abilities In short, a project we hope to carry out this year.
2005 Action Plan OBJECTIVES and TASKS 1.Support & encourage the Local Network Similar to last year activities: workshops – sharing experiences between us – contest, etc. (eg.: May 4th: Speaker from USA, Deborah Farley was in Arauco ) Local meetings by sectors (3)
2. Support and strengthen elementary schools teachers Meetings and workshop to attend their needs; Study, discuss and agree on the main competences to be developed in each of the four abilities: listening and speaking; reading and writing
3. Participate and support Arauco Provincial Song Festival; 4. Accomplish and carry out the Second Provincial Contest!