Career Development 2nd Grade
Career Cluster What is a “Career”? What is a “Career Cluster”? A person’s WORK or JOB Most people work for 30 years or longer Wow! That’s a long time! What is a “Career Cluster”? A way to organize careers or jobs into groups that are similar
Arts, AV/Technology & Communications Today, we will focus on the Arts, AV/Technology & Communications career cluster Graphic Arts
Careers in Arts, AV Technology & Communications Singer or Musician Artist Actor
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Health Science Jobs related to: Determining if you are sick Treating you if you are sick Finding cures for sickness
Health Careers What are some obvious healthcare jobs? Doctor Nurse
Opthamologist Doctor who takes care of EYES
Audiologist Doctor who takes care of EARS
Dentist Doctor who takes care of TEETH
Dermatologist Doctor who takes care of SKIN
Pediatrician Doctor who takes care of CHILDREN
Pharmacist A Pharmacist fills your prescription when you need medicine.
EMT An Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) helps someone who has been in a car accident and needs medical attention.
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Education & Training Jobs that relate to teaching and providing instruction Classroom Teacher Art Teacher Principal Physical Education Media Specialist School Counselor
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What Do YOU Want to Be? Before you know it you will be in high school—like me! It is important to have an idea of what you want to do when you grow up. In high school, you will be able to take classes to help you prepare for a CAREER!
What Do YOU Want to Be?