What caused this "war to end all wars?”
Something to help you remember M-Militarism A-Alliances N-Nationalism I-Imperialism A-Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand C-Crises leading up to War
Today’s questions to be answered How did they play a part in causing WWI? How are Nationalism, Militarism, and Imperialism all connected?
Nationalism What is nationalism? How can it be seen as a cause of war?! Warlike mentality Glory for a younger generation History breeds resentment Pan-Slavism Serbs, Romanians, other Balkan nations want freedom!!! Land of Hope and Glory, mother of the free... God who made thee mighty, make thee mightier yet. The words of Land of Hope and Glory, written by the English composer Elga Germany, Germany above all, over everything in the world, When it steadfastly holds together, offensively and defensively. The words of the German national anthem, Deutschland uber Alles.
Imperialism Describe Imperialism… Hypothesize how this could be seen as a cause of WWI Now, take a look at the map and take another guess
Imperialism Europeans clash over colonies- We have conquered for ourselves a place in the sun. It will now be my task to see to it that this place in the sun shall remain our undisputed possession, in order that the sun's rays may fall fruitfully upon our activity and trade in foreign parts... The more Germans go out upon the waters, whether it be in journeys across the ocean, or in the service of the battle flag, so much the better it will be for us.” A speech by Kaiser Wilhelm to the North German Regatta Association, 1901. Imperialism Europeans clash over colonies- France and G.B. clash in the Sudan Kaiser Wilhelm decides he wants some land too! Mo’ Colonies, Mo’ problems Notorious B.I.G.
Militarism Definition: belief or desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests Using this definition, hypothesize how Militarism could be a cause of WWI?
Militarism A government’s foreign policy “Balance of Power” Increasing military power to keep up w/ neighbors Military paranoia sets in “The German answer to all our talk about the limitation of armaments is: Germany shall increase to the utmost of her power...I have lived among Germans, but with the best will in the world I can see no solution to the present collision of ideals but war.” A lecture given in 1913 by JA Cramb
Great Britain and Germany naval race Kaiser builds navy1900 Belief that Germany wants to challenge G.B. naval power can threaten colonies 'We want eight and we won't wait‘ British slogan during arms race w/ Germany Dreadnought
General von Moltke [head of the army] said: “I believe war is unavoidable; war the sooner the better. But we ought to do more to press to prepare the popularity of a war against Russia. The Kaiser supported this. Tirpitz [head of the navy] said that the navy would prefer to see the postponement of the great fight for one and a half years”. From the Diary of Admiral Muller, 8 December 1912 How can this be used as an argument in the case of militarism being a cause of WWI? (hint: look at the date it was recorded)
How are these three causes connected? Nationalism breeds pride in one’s country and people Seek glory, wealth, and power This contributes towards Imperialism and taking over inferior places BUT, it also will build up the need for countries to break free from these European empires Build up wealth and power- ex: G.B. owned 1/5 of land in the world!!! Must build up militaries to protect one’s interests and investments.
Complete the yellow packet, Skip questions 1, 6, and 10 on the first section. When finished, grab a laptop and go to my website. Mrnelsonhistory.weebly.com Answer the following questions on Organic weaknesses 1,2, and 5 Gather 5 facts from each “organic weakness” Summarize the conclusion for each “organic weakness”