Staffing Cycle Workshop


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Presentation transcript:

Staffing Cycle Workshop Welcome members of the In-School Staffing Committees. Disclaimer: Bear in mind that there could be disagreements over decisions that are made at the school level. We don’t always agree with the Board at the senior level either. When in doubt, call the District Office for the D16 position, knowing your Principal will be calling the Superintendent for the Board position. April 2018

Staffing Cycle Workshop The In-school Staffing Committee (ISC) L.D.1.4.1 - each school will elect an ISC of three teachers, one of whom must be the Branch president. (BP must be present for all ISC meetings) - to assist the principal ... in collecting and verifying all in-school data and materials pertaining to the staffing of the school for that school year and the following school year - additionally, the ISC shall assist the principal in monitoring staffing allocations and teacher’s workload. Assisting the principal is not a decision making position. Your main purpose is to assist, support and monitor the Principal’s decisions to ensure fairness, transparency and integrity. Your role is to ask questions, clarify the rationale for decisions, and advocate for members. BUT ISC discussions are CONFIDENTIAL! The responsibility for staffing decisions rests with the Principal. This includes both Teacher assignments and schedules. You must leave your other roles at the door – ex: if you are a Subject Head you still must advocate for every member!

Staffing Cycle Workshop L.D. The ISC is entitled to receive the following information in the course of performing its duties: Completed teacher tracking template – including teachers on leave with return dates, etc (Document in folder, page 2 bottom) Staffing and/or related workload guideline memos sent to principals and BPs copied to the ISC. (Please contact Daniela at D16 office if you are not receiving emails) Staff allocation sheets Surplus declarations Principal requests for extra staffing (Due Today) Initial and subsequent section allocations by subject groupings (April 20th L.E.2.2.8) Teacher timetables (June 20th, L.E.2.2.4, L.E.2.2.5,L.E.2.2.6,) Master schedules (May 30th) Teacher utilization report (APA usage) YREM report (Memo in September). You should be getting updates on the Master Schedule and teacher assignment information until the end of June, so that you can ask questions and understand the rationale behind every decision. If this information is not being shared with you, CALL ME. If you are not getting this information, call Doug Brydie

Staffing Cycle Workshop Preparation for the Staffing Cycle In your folders I have included some of the more frequently used resources you will need Staffing Timelines (ie. surplus declaration, vacancy list, POR postings) Highlights (top line explanation) Staffing Memo #3 SAC Workload Protocol (2018-2019) Secondary Staffing - Resources Secondary Staffing Timelines are posted on our website under the PINK Staffing Cycle News button. The school allo is determined using system projections, school projections, principal requests, and school trend data System Projections – Enrolment Data based on feeder schools and planning – for example the opening of Grade 9 and 10 at the new Bill Hogarth SS will affect enrolment at other schools in the vicinity. School Projections – course selections, student transfers Administrators have already received their allo sheet and should have met with the ISC to determine whether they will be in a surplus or vacancy position. The teacher Tracking sheet is essential at this point. We will look at several scenarios to determine how teachers going on leave or returning from leave should be “counted” in the teacher tracking form.  

Staffing Cycle Workshop Staffing Process Understand your staffing Allocation Sheets Compare Allocation Sheet to Teacher Tracking Form Three stages in staffing the school: distributing sections among Subject Groups – Subject Heads are usually asked to participate assigning teachers to subject groups – Subject Heads are not supposed to play any part building teacher timetables – Subject Heads may suggest School Surplus declaration by seniority list Qualifications – OCT/ Reg 298/ Reg 176 → May affect surplus At the Staffing Rollout Meeting, schools received instructions for the use of their Staffing Allocation. (HANDOUT The sample school Allo sheet is from this year: “dedicated”, “non-CA”, etc) School Profile affects the allocation – for example, two schools may both have 900 students, but one may have a greater proportion of students in PAE, ESL, learning strategies, or community classes, all of which have lower class sizes and require “richer” staffing. Likewise FI and IB affect ‘empty seats’. Meet with the Principal to review the Allo sheet and determine whether there are any errors (ex: forgot a Community Class) Compare the total number of sections in the building (from Teacher Tracking form) with the total number of sections allocated. This tells you whether the school will have surplus or vacancies. NOTE: FINAL STAFFING DECISIONS SHOULD BE MADE ON FTE NOT SECTIONS – there may be a difference in rounding. Step 1: Section Assignment – Subject Groups will be provided with sections based on school decisions. When it comes to trimming sections to make things fit the allocation, the role of the ISC is to monitor/query administration’s decisions. Step 2: Teacher Subject Assignments Heads are asked for input in the distribution of sections to various subjects, but should NEVER discuss individual teachers. (Yes and No examples) Step 3: After the Master timetable is constructed Heads do not decide teacher timetables, though they may be asked for suggestions. Qualifications – OCT/ Reg 298/ Reg 176, as in Teacher Assignment in Ontario Schools (Mar 2011) Who’s in the building? Most administrators print off copies of the staff’s OCT Certificates of Qualifications. This could become very important when deciding surplus declarations.

Staffing 2018-2019 Principal projections are used to determine enrolment and staffing Therefore, to receive an increase in staffing, the following criteria would have to be met: Increased enrolment over projected enrolment Review of master timetable in Trillium to determine that sections have been used effectively

So, where are we now? Based on the School Allocation Sheets that were given out to the schools on March 22nd and the Teacher Tracking Sheets that each school filled out, your school will either be in a position to post vacancies, stay status quo, or be declaring teachers surplus to your building.

Staffing Cycle Workshop Deciding Who is Surplus (L.D.7.1.3) A “Surplus Teacher” is a bargaining unit member who has been identified first by seniority and secondly by qualifications as being in excess of the staffing requirements of a particular school for the ensuing year. Review the definition in L.D.7.1.3 “first by seniority and secondly by qualifications”: This means that if there is no one else in the building qualified to teach sections in a restricted subject, the least senior teacher may be protected – restricted subjects are Tech, Special Education and French only. (Music example)

Staffing Cycle Workshop L.D. For the purpose of establishing seniority, part-time teachers shall be treated as full-time teachers L.D. For the purpose of establishing seniority, any approved absence shall not be considered an interruption of continuous service (L.D. FTE status irrelevant to Seniority (L.D. “approved leave of absence shall not be considered an interruption of continuous service” - P/PL, personal study leave, DSP...

Staffing Cycle Workshop The Seniority List Members’ seniority listed by school Most Senior to Least Senior CAUTION: Alphabetical order Tie breakers (Memo #3 pg. 2) Check for errors (ex: ETFO-YR) CAUTION: Teacher in 2 schools over 2 semesters CAUTION: Interim POR at another school returning List is distributed by school and is senior to junior based on first day worked Within set of those with the same first day worked, the list is alphabetical; for most this won’t be an issue, for the least senior it may be (Use sample list as an example.) Errors in the calculation of the list must be brought to Board’s attention within 30 work days of posting (D.; therefore, members (especially junior members) should check the list. All teachers appear on their Sem 2 school seniority list. If a teacher came to your school in Sem 2 through this year’s pilot Mid-year Transfer process, then the teacher belongs to the Sem 2 school. If the teacher came in Sem 2 after the start of Sem 2, the the teacher still belongs to the Sem 1 school – very few of these, only where there were new administrators who left their teaching position or retirement during the semester – this must be corrected at both schools, especially the Sem 1 school.

Staffing Cycle Workshop L.D. Surplus to School Declarations The least senior teacher, as determined by Section L.D.7.2, shall be declared surplus provided that the teacher’s assignment, in the opinion of the Principal and the Superintendent of Education, can be filled satisfactorily by another qualified teacher at the school L.D.7.4.5 PORs are protected from being declared surplus; Interim and Acting PORs are not L.D. - “provided that the teacher’s assignment, in the opinion of the Principal and the SO, can be filled satisfactorily by another qualified teacher at the school.” discuss L.D.7.4.5 - PORs are protected from being declared surplus, provided the section count still supports the POR (provide a No example). Interim or Acting PORs are not protected from surplus as they do not extend from one school year into the next (provide a No example).  

Staffing Cycle Workshop Declared Surplus – Next Steps (L.D.7.4.3 - L.D. Surplus declaration: April 17 (memo #3 pg.2) Applying for vacancies Being retained The Surplus Placement Meeting - May 15th Teachers will be informed if they are School Surplus on Tuesday April 18th, 2017, by 4 pm, in person by the Principal – preferably with BP in attendance. Principals must call members on leave at home. May 15th absolute deadline for surplus declaration (L.D.7.4.3) – very rare – if there are unexpected changes in the school. Options regarding surplus; other schools/part time same school (L.D.7.4.4 – L.D. Surplus teachers apply for positions listed on the first three vacancy lists: April 24th, May 1st, May 8th, 2017. Understand that you can be retained (taken off of the school surplus list) if someone more senior leaves the school. Explain the Surplus Placement Meeting will be May 16th, 2017 – before then, additional information collected; that day, teachers contacted in their school with one, two or three options – as available. There is often only one option. If there are two or three, the decision must be made over the phone.

Staffing Cycle Workshop Declared Surplus – I Want to Stay! (or L.D. If a suitable position arises within two (2) years in the school from which the teacher has been declared surplus, that teacher shall be offered the position provided that: the teacher indicates in writing interest in such a position (do it immediately after declaration). Template is available. “Suitable position” - based on Reg 278 One time offer (if at all) Does not apply to teacher retained during the current staffing cycle If a vacancy occurs before the end of the staffing cycle June 13th and the teacher is retained, then teacher is no longer considered surplus, but if a vacancy occurs after deadline then it’s too late for this year; Example: Joe was declared surplus from Pony High School, where he’s been teaching Math. He found a Math position at Emerald High School, but would like to return to Pony High. If a vacancy opens up during the current staffing cycle at Pony High, the admin must offer to retain Joe, and try to rearrange the vacancy to match his teachables – as if he had never been declared surplus, on a par with every other teacher at Pony High. If Joe does not accept to be retained during this staffing cycle, then he is considered to have transferred, and is no longer considered Surplus – his Recall Letter is no longer valid. If a vacancy comes up after the Transfer Process is closed, then it will not be offered to Joe, because it is too late for this year. If there is any vacancy in next year’s staffing cycle it should be offered to Joe first, and Joe will have only one such offer, regardless of subject/qualifications.

Staffing Cycle Workshop Declared Surplus – I Want to Stay! (or L.D. Surplus Right of Recall Letter: (Date) (Principal’s name) (School)  Dear (Principal’s Name), As per article D. of the secondary Collective Agreement, I wish to be considered for recall should a suitable position arise within the next two years. Thank you,   (Teacher’s name) cc. (Branch President) cc. Clayton LaTouche, Superintendent of Human Resource Services – Operations Those declared surplus can write a letter to the principal asking to return should a suitable position arise. Recall Letter is good for two years; voided if offer is declined. Offers in future staffing cycles should be based on seniority, not qualifications.

Staffing Cycle Workshop Vacancies? The Sequence for Filling Them Until May 11th: Right of Return (L.D. – 2016 &2017 recall letters Surplus or Transfer Teachers at current FTE After Surplus Placement: Right of Return (L.D. Part Time FTE increase within school (L.D.5.3.2) Transfers from other schools, including FTE increase After end of Transfer Process (mid June to early July): New Contract Hires from LTO List, in compliance with Reg 274. New vacancies in summer? Part Time FTE increase within school in August/ Sept Recall: check who left letters in 2016 and 2015. For Part Time to Full Time: Offers should be made to ALL Part-time teachers who gave written notice that they want an FTE increase, in seniority order – offers based on seniority, not qualifications. Then the principal should explore assignment changes to better match the teacher’s qualifications and preferences, if possible – with ISC input. Example: not enough senior Math teachers – currently have two vacant sections for Calculus and Vectors. Next most senior part-time teacher is Geography and HPE qualified. P and ISC explore switching the 12U math for gr 9 Locally Developed, or for 11 or 12 workplace math.

Staffing Cycle Workshop Filling Vacancies – The Ongoing Discussion Ask about positions being posted: rationale Ask about FTE for sections being posted Monitor speed with which ‘conversations’ are occurring Principal provides ISC frequent updates Postings appear every week; everyone is eligible to apply for transfer Encourage members to pursue vacancies that may be partially in their teachable if there appears another % in their other teachable Balancing act between the changing needs of the school as people leave/arrive and the need for consistency when posting It’s not enough to only monitor the surplus procedure, the ISC need to have an ongoing dialogue about posting vacancies as well. For example, if there are 2 vacancies at the school: 7 sections (1.17 FTE) vacant in English, 2 sections (.33) in History and 3 sections (.50) in Business, will the posting be 1.0 FTE comprised of 4 English/2 History and 3 English/3 Business or 1 full-time English and one position with the remainder. ISC should ask why one way and not the other. ISC should have up-to-date information on Teacher Assignments.

Staffing Cycle Workshop When in doubt, call the District Office! 905-836-5954 Transparency for Members: It is imperative that the surplus procedure is transparent for all those involved. Members should clearly understand why they were declared surplus and what their rights are under the CA. Part of the role of the ISC is to advocate for members who have concerns about their assignment or timetable.   At the same time ISC discussions are Confidential!

Staffing Cycle Workshop APA Use Parameters are status quo for 2018/19 School and System Flex (Piercings) Locally Developed/Workplace May not be stacked with other course type Maximum two course codes be stacked ESL Maximum two levels ESL may be stacked

Staffing Cycle Workshop PAE System review of PAE continues Some changes last year and for the upcoming year Streamlined PAE programs continue Although listed under ‘non-dedicated’ must be used as assigned – exceptions with SAC approval only Regional SAL Programs Five schools have received staffing to support students in SAL: Emily Carr SS, Keswick HS, Dr. GW. Williams SS, Huron Heights SS, and Markville SS.

Staffing Cycle Workshop MUSIC: Repertoire Must be after school – not during lunch Repertoire course assignments are limited to Music Repertoire (AMR), and ARTs program courses in ARTs schools Not tied to school day courses Must earn a full credit Must have teacher agreement in writing  Maximum two AMR sections per teacher per year Maximum one corresponding ‘FREE’ period per semester Exceptions only with SAC approval

Staffing Cycle Workshop E-Learning Semester 2 only offerings 2018-19 chart of courses by school in Rollout documents Regional IB Programs 5 schools will have IB programming and staffing Alexander Mackenzie HS, Bayview HS, Dr. GW Williams SS, Maple HS and Milliken Mills HS Literacy Base of 0.33 FTE in all schools Support teachers directly when requested Support professional learning at staff meetings

Staffing Cycle Workshop STUDENT SUCCESS: Base 0.67 in each school Assign to one teacher – two periods per semester SS Lead teacher may be assigned Literacy or SS ‘top-up’ SO approval before offering SS Lead assignment to teacher Student Success – Top Up Total of 7.67 FTE allocated for ‘top up’ ‘Top up’ found under Non-CA on allocation sheets Based on school achievement profile Success/failure data Principal requests on the ‘projection template’ Assign sections to Student Success teacher where possible

Staffing Cycle Workshop ELL Support Teacher (11.33 FTE/ Sections) SAC has directed additional staffing to address student needs in the area of English as a Second Language and believes that the ELL Support Teacher will play a vital role in supporting the success of English Language Learners in secondary schools. The following are guidelines for assigning a teacher to the role: 0.67 FTE ELL Support Teacher will be allocated to your school to support ELL students across all grades and in all subject areas; A maximum of two teachers will be assigned to this role; If one teacher is assigned to this role, then the teacher will have two ELL Support sections each semester. If two teachers are assigned to this role, each teacher assigned must have one ELL Support period each semester ; ELL Support periods may be assigned to a Student Success teacher; Subject heads may be assigned ELL Support periods; Qualifications/ Experience to consider when assigning a teacher to the role: A minimum of ESL Part 1 qualification is required; Has experience with collaborative professional learning; Has demonstrated support and advocacy for differentiated learning opportunities for ELL students.

Staffing Cycle Workshop Intensive MID SERT (9 FTE/ Sections) SAC has directed additional staffing to address student needs in Secondary Special Education programs and believes that increase staffing for all Intensive - Mild Intellectual Disability (MID) programs will further support the successful integration of students in their credit bearing program. Additional Special Education Resource Teachers SERT(s) will play a vital role as they work with the community classroom teacher and credit bearing classroom teacher to increase the social, emotional and academic achievement of students in the Intensive program. The following are guidelines that need to be considered when assigning a teacher(s) to the role depending on section allocation: Each teacher assigned must have one Intensive SERT period each semester. 0.33 Intensive SERT sections will be allocated to each Intensive MID program Depending on allocation, a maximum of two teachers will be assigned for this function. Intensive SERT periods may be assigned to a Student Success teacher. Intensive SERT periods may be assigned to Subject heads. A minimum of Special Education Part 1 qualification is required.