What is this and how can I use it? Azure ML What is this and how can I use it? Presented by: Warren Sifre
About Professional Me… Owner of Broadstroke Consulting In the IT Industry since 1998. Developed system integration solutions against many different database platforms. Passion in Solutions Architecture at both hardware and software levels. Interests in SQL Server, MongoDB, Hadoop, Python/C#/Java/Powershell and Information Security (Hacking)
Agenda What is Machine Learning? Techniques of Learning What is Azure ML? Demonstration
What is Machine Learning?
What is Machine Learning? Formal definition: “A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P, if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E” - Tom M. Mitchell Another definition: “The goal of machine learning is to program computers to use example data or past experience to solve a given problem.” – Introduction to Machine Learning, 2nd Edition, MIT Press “In general, ML converts data sets into pieces of software, known as ‘models’, that can represent the data set and generalize to make predictions on new data.” - John Platt http://blogs.technet.com/b/machinelearning/archive/2014/07/01/what-is-machine-learning.aspx
Techniques of Learning Supervised Learning by using a set number of inputs and outputs. Limited in providing deep undiscovered insights. Used when you want to predict unknown answers from answers you already have. (Historical Data) Unsupervised Learning by using all inputs. Can learn larger and more complex models. Can take longer to learn depending on the number of linear levels. Used when you want to find unknown answers directly from data. (No simple way to validate results.)
What is AZURE ML? A cloud-based platform for designing, developing, testing and deploying predictive models. There are three conceptual areas Experiments, Web Service and ML Studio. Experiments –Predictive models for both training and scoring. Web Service – Data Interaction point for predictive models ML Studio – Interface for developing and training predictive models Leverage existing R, Python and industry adopted predictive algorithms.
Helpful Links Azure ML Studio Azure ML – Microsoft Virtual Academy https://studio.azureml.net/ Azure ML – Microsoft Virtual Academy http://www.microsoftvirtualacademy.com/training-courses/getting-started- with-microsoft-azure-machine-learning
Broadstroke Consulting provides a broad range of data management skills to help small, medium or large companies develop, maintain, & optimize its SQL Server environment. Our Team combines professionalism and data management expertise to deliver strong solutions in a cost effect and timely manner while utilizing industry best practices. www.broadstrokeconsulting.com Warren Sifre Email: warren.sifre@broadstrokeconsulting.com Twitter: @WAS_SQL LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/wsifre @BSC_SQL