4 stage Career Planning Model Applications Purpose of interview How panels run Specialty / GP Preparation Performance How to succeed Interview questions Answer techniques Resources
Timelines & process www.mmc.nhs.uk Will take longer than you think Competency questions Key to short listing Accuracy and attention to detail On-line applications Complete in more than one sitting Check thoroughly before you send Don’t leave submission to the last minute Timelines & process www.mmc.nhs.uk
Will be variations between Deaneries Minimum of three 10 min interviews Some may have four – you will be made aware prior to interview Recruiting bodies have good info on process Could include stations assessing: Clinical skills Portfolio Presentation skills Patient interaction – simulation Personal skills e.g empathy and sensitivity
Assessment (Selection Centre) Application - Simulation exercise (see video - STFS website) - Written exercise Application - Must meet eligibility criteria Assessment (Computer Based Test) - Professional dilemmas - Clinical problem solving How assessments & selection centres are run for recruitment into GP For detailed information see the GP national recruitment website www.gprecruitment.org
CMT 2 - Paediatrics ST2 - Psychiatry CT2 - GP ST2 2 year programme - NEW IN 2013 6 month rotations in: Medicine - Paediatrics - General Practice - Psychiatry Exit into either: CMT 2 - Paediatrics ST2 - Psychiatry CT2 - GP ST2 4 stage application process Stages 1 to 3 - as GP selection plus an extra element of white space questions Applicants must be successful at GP selection to allow them to proceed to Stage 4 Stage 4 is an interview comprising 3 stations: Paediatrics Psychiatry Medicine Further details: https://www.nwpgmd.nhs.uk/bbt#deaneries 8
Portfolio - including CV Original proof of identity passport / photo-ID GMC certificate (original & photocopy) Qualifications on form (original & copies) Evidence of nationality / immigration status You will be advised on documentation that you will be required to bring to interview – it will include. . . NB: This is not an exhaustive list - so check the requirements of the Deanery interviewing you
Get a good nights sleep the night before Eat breakfast, lunch etc. Date - Time - Location Get a good nights sleep the night before Eat breakfast, lunch etc. Appropriate dress 55% of first impressions visual shoes, nails, hair etc. Body language important Eye contact
“Fail to prepare prepare to fail” Preparation is everything Job description - person specifications become familiar with them What skills are required for the specialty Evidence is the key Research crucial Why that specialty Have you spoken to those already training at that level? What can you bring to that specialty Keep up to date with current affairs in medicine “Fail to prepare prepare to fail”
- Type of hospital, specific skills/interests - Geography, hobbies etc. - Type of hospital, specific skills/interests - Develop research interests, teaching, education - Service development, educational supervision Background & motivation questions about why you have applied
- The goal you set yourself - The outcome of YOUR action - What was happening - The goal you set yourself - What YOU did (use I - not WE) Use STAR for - questions requiring an example
- Critical this is assessed Use SPIES for questions on difficult colleagues or ethical issues - What is the problem - Critical this is assessed - Can you do anything yourself - Involve other colleagues as needed - Can you support the individual - team
www.medicalcareers.nhs.uk www.mmc.nhs.uk www.bmjcareers.com www.gmc-uk.org www.stfs.org.uk - Selection Centres video & applicants insights