Uncovering Your Success DNA! Maximizing Your Sales Activity! Steve A Klein Professional Development Center www.concretepipe.org
“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” - Charles Darwin
Death & Taxes?
Activity x Behavior = Results 1) Focus on Results Activity x Behavior = Results
Results Chain Results > Action > Thoughts > Information Information > Thoughts > Action > Results
Outside the Box Thinking 1) Connect all the dots using only four straight lines. 2) Do not retrace a line. 3) Don’t lift your pen from the paper.
2) High Payout Activities Face-to-Face with a prospect On the telephone with a prospect or client Prospecting
Correct, Consistent Daily Activity Activity Points Sale 100 Negotiation 50 Presentation 25 Appointment Booked 10 New Prospect/Referral 5 Phone Call 1 Total: 200/day Bonus Day: 300
3) Remove the “Shield” Prospect Motivation Questions: a) Questions they have to think about b) Questions they don’t have the answers to
4) Close the “Gap” Meeting Interview Presentation Negotiation
“What this means to you is…” Close the “Gap” Feature: What it is Advantage: What it does “What this means to you is…” Benefit: What it will do for your client
Close the “Gap” Value = G C
Close the “Gap” Value = Got Cost
5) Prospecting Referrals Centers of Influence Public Speaking Social Media Observation
Prospecting Who would like to receive more Referrals each month? Who would like to receive up to 400 Referrals each month?
Prospecting > Referrals Major Questions - Who do you know who… 1) …owns their own business? 2) …earns over $100,000 each year? 3) …manages people? 4) …is especially interested in developing their people? 5) …lives in__________?
Prospecting > Referrals Secondary Questions - Who do you know who… 1) ...owns a manufacturing business? 2) …wants to start a business? 3) …has been in business over ten years? 4) …has more than one location? 5) …owns a franchise?
6) Manage the Relationship Own Your Client’s Problems Follow-up – Relationship Management
7) Control Change
Ninety Days Same As Change
Ninety Days Same As Change
Ninety Days Same As Change
“The things that you’re not doing now, and that you should be doing, are the things that are costing you time and money.” – Steve A Klein
Multiple 1) $2,000 2) $4,000 3) $8,000 4) $16,000 5) $32,000 6) $64,000 7) $128,000 8) $256,000 9) $512,000 10) $1,024,000
Multiple 6) $64,000 7) $128,000 8) $256,000 9) $512,000 10) $1,024,000 1) $2,000 2) $4,000 3) $8,000 4) $16,000 5) $32,000 = 3.2% Half-way
Multiple 1) $2,000 2) $4,000 3) $8,000 4) $16,000 5) $32,000 = 3.2% Half-way 6) $64,000 7) $128,000 8) $256,000 9) $512,000 = 90% 10) $1,024,000
7) Make a Commitment! What will you commit to change… Right Now!
The Chicken & The Pig
The Chicken & The Pig
The Chicken & The Pig
I’ll Try = I Won’t
Make a
A.S.K – ASK, SEEK and KNOCK Write out specifically (in detail) what it is that you want (make it Present Tense, Positive and use “I”). Read it out loud 3-5 times daily. Close your eyes and Visualize – hold that image in your mind. Look at a Picture of what it is that you want. Add Action Steps to move you toward your objective. Carry this card with you. Sign it!
“On the plains of hesitation bleached the bones of countless millions who upon the very brink of success, sat down to wait and while waiting they withered and died!”
“Whatever You Vividly Imagine,. Ardently Desire, Sincerely “Whatever You Vividly Imagine, Ardently Desire, Sincerely Believe and Enthusiastically Act Upon Must Inevitably come to Pass!” – Paul J. Meyer
If It’s Meant To Be, It’s Up To Me! You can’t hire other people to do your pushups for you!
The only thing that will make your life different tomorrow are the decisions and the actions you take today.
Your Journey Begins With A Single Step Commit to that one step.
Begin Your Journey To Transform Your Life!
“I have a premonition that soars on silver wings “I have a premonition that soars on silver wings. A dream of your accomplishments and other wondrous things. I do not know beneath what sky nor where you’ll challenge fate. I only know it will be high. I only know that all of you will be great!”
Free Offer! 1) Free 20-Minute Consultation Write on back: FREE20 2) If you have a Referral to another group or company that could benefit from this program Write on back : REFER