Accrue To grow or accumulate over time; to happen as a natural result Collect, accumulate, proceed from ________________________________ Dwindle, decrease, diminish, lessen
annotation A critical or explanatory note or comment, especially for a literary work
Bedlam A state or scene of uproar and confusion Commotion, pandemonium, chaos, anarchy ________________________________ Peace and quiet, order, tranquility
covert (adj) Hidden, disguised, purposefully kept secret; sheltered, secluded (n) a sheltered place, a hiding place Undercover, clandestine, sub-rosa ________________________________ Open, overt, undisguised
debonair Pleasant, courteous, lighthearted; smooth and polished in manner and appearance Carefree, jaunty, gracious, urbane ________________________________ Distraught, agitated, boorish, churlish
dun (v) To demand insistently, especially in payment of a debt; (n) a creditor; (adj) dark, dull, drab, dingy Hound, harass, nag
efficacious Effective, producing results Effectual, efficient, potent, powerful ________________________________ Ineffective, worthless, useless
equanimity Calmness, composure, refusal to panic Tranquility, imperturbability ________________________________ Excitability, flappability, agitation
fortuitous Accidental, occurring by a happy chance Unintentional, unplanned, random, lucky ________________________________ Intentional, deliberate, premeditated
Gist The essential part, main point, or essence Substance, core, nucleus