Ancient Egyptians History Focus English


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Presentation transcript:

Ancient Egyptians History Focus English Text Focus: Biography linking to topic looking at biography of Tutankhamun before writing biography of Howard Carter Spelling focus: prefixes in- im- il- ir-; homophones and near homophones; augh/au spelling of aw sound; -sion endings of words ending se, de or d Grammar focus – review of key term and techniques from Year 3 statutory grammar. Reading comprehension focus – utilising the text and text marking to support finding answers Maths Place Value including: 4 digit numbers; 1000s, 100s, 10s, 1s; roman numerals; rounding to 10, 100 and 1000; counting in 1000s and 25s; comparing and ordering numbers; negative numbers; Addition and Subtraction: adding and subtracting 1s, 10s, 100s, 1000s; adding two 4 digit numbers with and without exchanging; subtracting two 4 digit numbers with and without exchanging; estimation and inverse operations Perimeter: using grids; of a rectangle, of rectilinear shapes. Learning times tables up to 12x12 Computing Continued focus on esafety including searching safely and wisely to decide if information is reliable; coding; work processing History Describe similarities and differences between different historical artefacts Use different sources including photographs and written accounts to find out about the past Communicate ideas from the past through writing, role-play and art Specific subject content – life in ancient Egypt and comparing to today, Tutankhamun, mummification process, hieroglyphics Geography Using atlases to identify the location of Egypt Using information to identify the geographical features of Egypt including, the River Nile, desert landscape, key cities, time zones and climate. Art and DT Creating cartouches to represent names out of clay Landscape pictures Map creation Music Clarinet lessons from external teacher that will continue until June 2019. Science States of matter RE Creation – being stewards of creation and looking after the world that God gave us Judaism PE Learning movements to support different games using FUNS scheme PSHE Growth Mindset including the ability to learn from mistakes Jigsaw being me in my world – being part of a team and working together to make decisions. Outdoor Learning Using the outdoor space to build physical examples of the climate and season to compare to the climate and season of Egypt