News You Can Use Homework Upcoming Events A Peek at Our Week Spelling October 15-19, 2018 Upcoming Events A Peek at Our Week October 16 – Makeup pictures – Uniform Required October 19 – The 50th day of school October 22-26 – Red Ribbon Week October 26 – Career Day November 5-9 – Scholastic Book Fair Yearbooks are now available to order online only. Click on the yearbook link on Northside’s website, and you will order under Pearl Lower Elementary. When you place your order, please make sure to indicate your child’s grade and teacher name. Reading: text based answers; main idea and details; moral/central message; literal and nonliteral language; sequencing; compare/contrast Language Arts: irregular plural nouns Spelling: Homophones for long o Math: Rounding Vocabulary – Unit 1 allow – (v) to let do or happen; to agree bitter – (adj) sharp and unpleasant; angry or hurt common – (adj) found often; average faint – (v) to pass out; (adj) not clear; weak firm – (adj) solid; steady or strong; (n) a business or small company force – (n) strength; power; (v) to cause to do something by using strength or power goal – (n) something a person wants and works for; the area into which players must move a ball or puck in order to score in some sports patient – (n) a person getting medical care; (adj) able to stay calm when faced with pain, trouble, or a long wait prefer – (v) to like better than others; to tend to choose trace – (n) a small amount left behind showing that something was there; (v) to copy by following over the lines of something as seen through a sheet of paper. Homework Monday: ELA – Sheet Spelling – Write missed words 1-8 three times each Vocabulary – study Math – Tuesday: Spelling – Write missed words 9-14 three times each Wednesday: Spelling – Write missed words 15-20 three times each Thursday: Spelling & Vocabulary – Study (test Friday) *Homework is always subject to change. Please see your child’s planner for any changes.* Spelling 1. groan 11. wrote 2. grown 12. rote 3. shown 13. sole 4. shone 14. soul 5. towed 15. whole 6. toad 16. hole 7. throne 17. nose 8. thrown 18. knows 9. rows 19. doe 10. rose 20. dough