WGISS - 41 GA/CSIRO, Canberra, Australia 16th March 2016 WGISS Action Items WGISS - 41 GA/CSIRO, Canberra, Australia 16th March 2016
WGISS Action Items Number Description Due Date Assignee(s) Comments Andrew Mitchell and Kristi Kline to talk to the VC members at their agencies (NASA, USGS) to begin the conversation for data needs in response to VC01; by WGISS-41. WGISS-41 Andrew Mitchell, Kristi Kline Dec 2015: Andy and Kristi will discuss offline. WGISS-40-02 Regarding the incoming CEOS Chair initiatives on Future Data Access & Analysis Architectures Study, the CEOS Data 03 task, and LSI support: Future Architecture for Data (FAD) team to find where these complement, and to define areas where they do not (are independent). FAD is composed of USGS, CSIRO, GA, GSDI, ESA, CNES, UKSA, and co-chairs are Kristi Kline, Richard Moreno and Robert Woodcock. Kristi Kline, Richard Moreno, Robert Woodcock WGISS-40-03 FAD to put together the materials of Action 40-01 to present at WGISS-41. FAD WGISS-40-04 FAD to work with WGClimate and WGCV to come up with a plan to approach the Carbon data search relevancy, and propose it at the next SIT meeting. 1-Apr-16 Jan 2016: Andy and Robert will address this when they meet. WGISS-40-06 WGISS Exec to find a few of topics of cooperation with WGCapD on awareness and capacity. Ideas are the WGISS video, or a webinar on the results of the incoming chair initiative. Also demonstrate how clients can get to the data. WGISS Exec Jan 2016: Andy spoke with Kim and agreed to touch base in February; the next WGCapD meeting will be at NASA Langley.
WGISS Action Items Number Description Due Date Assignee(s) Comments Mirko Albani to review all the presentations on Document Preservation and present a summary and way forward proposal at WGISS-41. WGISS-41 Mirko Albani WGISS-40-11 OpenSearch Activity Team to update the OpenSearch Best Practice Document by WGISS-41. OpenSearch Activity Team WGISS-40-12 WGISS-Exec to determine who will lead and participate in the OpenSearch activity to update the OpenSearch Best Practice Document at the next WGISS-Exec meeting. 30-Oct-15 WGISS-Exec Nov 2015: ESA has volunteered, but a second participant is needed. Andy will send out another request participation. WGISS-40-13 Michael Morahan to give a presentation on the process for translating DIF-9 to DIF-10 at WGISS-41. Michael Morahan WGISS-40-14 Michael Morahan to work with SEO Data Policy Portal team to update their queries in CMR. 31-Dec-15 WGISS-40-15 Yonsook Enloe to lead the work on the “Connected Data Assets Metrics (Data Policy Portal)” web page, which includes all known discoverable/accessible WGISS assets. 10-Nov-15 Yonsook Enloe WGISS-40-18 WISP to change the organizational structure on the WGISS website menu and home page, based on the organizational structure confirmed at WGISS-40. 30-Nov-15 WISP WGISS-40-20 Michelle Piepgrass to develop a page for the WGISS website that advertises tools and services for data discovery, access and usage, and to send out a request for the content, including URL, description, SBAs, thematic areas, science discipline. Michelle Piepgrass Nov 2015: This page may be one that can be elevated to the higher CEOS page.