POP or NOT? G A Clue? – There are more Not’s than Pop’s C E H F B A – Pop – Claus Oldenburg B – Not – Paul cezanne C – Not – Edvard Munch D – Not – Van Gogh E – POP – Andy Warhol F – Not – Mark Rothko G – POP – Andy Warhol H – POP – Roy Lichtenstein D Can you identify which of these examples are POP ART and which are not? Challenge – Can you name any of the artists?
3 minutes PREPARATION Collect: Your letter Glue Scissors
REVIEW PREVIEW What activities did you do last lesson? What skills, knowledge or understanding did you learn? Consider what skills you would like to develop this lesson through the following activities PREVIEW 3
Learning Objectives You will: Learn to work collaboratively and share materials and equipment. Develop your collaging skills Develop work inspired by Roy Lichtenstein and comic books What I’m looking for… A completed 3D letter that resembles your design Your ability to work as part of a team and to share equipment and materials.
Watch a teacher demonstration to learn how to decorate your letter 5 minutes Watch a teacher demonstration to learn how to decorate your letter 5
Make sure you completely cover your letter leaving no gaps 50 minutes Decorate your letters with the comic book strips you collected as part of your prep work. Make sure you completely cover your letter leaving no gaps
Make sure you have finished decorating your letter PREP.WORK Make sure you have finished decorating your letter Make sure your sketchbook is complete and well presented for final assessment
3 minutes Turn to the back of your sketchbook and thinking about the learning objectives from the start of the lesson, tick each statement that you feel confident you have learnt. Now at the right-hand side, write down one specific thing that you have learnt today that you didn’t know before. Learning Objectives You will: Learn to work collaboratively and share materials and equipment. Develop your collaging skills Develop work inspired by Roy Lichtenstein and comic books