Hydrogen power This PowerPoint presentation has been downloaded from www.onestopenglish.com. Presentation written by John Clegg. © Copyright Springer Nature Ltd 2018. Animation licensed by The Science Museum.
First … Do exercise 1 on the worksheet: match the captions with the correct picture.
Next 2. Look at the following picture slides and check your answers to exercise 1.
It’s hard to store electricity, so in the future we might store energy in the form of hydrogen.
But first we’d have to make the hydrogen. Here’s how it could work:
Using a device called an electrolyser, we’d brake down water into hydrogen and oxygen.
To do this you need electricity, ideally made from a renewable source
such as this hydro power station.
The hydrogen would then be transported around the country to places where people need it to make electricity.
It would be used in fuel cells to generate electricity for computers,
electricity for cars,
and even electricity for buses.
And best of all, the only waste product from a hydrogen fuel cell is water.
Now … Do exercise 2 on the worksheet: talk with your partner about hydrogen power. Do exercise 3 on the worksheet: write sentences in the passive form. Do exercise 4 on the worksheet: write answers to the questions.
Presentation (for classes working in groups only) 7. Give an oral commentary on the picture slides.