Journal 2 OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to… Understand where they are in terms of financial literacy knowledge Be prepared to make personal financial goals AGENDA: Journal Pre-test “Who has the greatest impact on your own financial success and why? Do you feel prepared for that responsibility? Why or why not?” Make sure to answer in complete sentences.
Pre-test This is a low-stakes test! It won’t impact your grade; it is just for informational purposes! Instructions on how to access it… Go to Gradebook>Online Assessments Choose Pre-Test Financial Literacy To the right there should be a link to “Take the Assessment”
When you finish… Work on the “Goal Setting Draft One” worksheet. You at least need to have a realistic short-term (<10 years), mid-term (10-30 years), and long-term (>30 years) goal for next class. Example: Goal: Buy a used car with less than 80,000 miles (Be as specific as possible) Timeframe: In 6 months (Be realistic) How much needed: Approx. 8,000 plus 1,000 in fees and insurance (Try to think of as many “hidden costs” as possible) How to get there: I already have 6,000 saved up, so I need to save 500 a month. I probably need to cover extra shifts at work.