Bell Ringer Date: 9/29 – 9/30 Topic: Evidences of Evolution Pick up a worksheet by the door Have your notes out and ready to be checked
Bellringer: divide your paper into 4 sections draw this fish in the first section TEACHER: See instructions in the Intro section of the lesson plan for this opening activity :)
Agenda Bell Ringer (10 minutes) Introduction: Turn and Talk (5 minutes) Notebook Input (15 minutes) Notebook Output (10 minutes) Group Work: Mini Lab (20 minutes) Independent Practice (20 minutes) Exit Quiz (10 minutes)
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Evolution Video (2min)
Think and Talk How could you prove this is the way it happened? What experiments or evidence exist? Ex.: How could we show that a lizard started as a fish?
EVOLUTION is the process of change over time
Common Ancestry The theory of Evolution states that organisms share common ancestry, meaning that different species we have today originally came from one species
Evidence for Evolution Day 1 Darwin’s theory of evolution: organisms evolved over long periods of time descending from common ancestors Darwin studied animals on the Galapagos Islands He noticed that some fossils of extinct animals were similar to living species
Talk: How is this evidence of evolution Talk: How is this evidence of evolution? What other species may have this common ancestor?
Which fossils are older?
Evidence for Evolution Day 1 Darwin’s theory of evolution says that organisms evolved over long periods of time through descent from common ancestors Fossil Record Evidence that life on earth is old and has changed over time Shows similarities between ancient and present day organisms Simple to complex Newest fossils Oldest fossils
Fossil record Layers of rock contain fossils Which of these fossils would be more towards the top of the rock canyon? Layers of rock contain fossils Upper layers=most recent fossils 17
Think and Talk: Who is most similar? Why? (More closely related) VS. VS.
Think and Talk: What do you notice? VS.
Homologous Structures same structure on the inside different functions on the outside Different evolution, similar origins Is this evidence for common ancestry? Analogous Structures Same function on the outside Different structure (on the inside) Is this evidence for common ancestry? Different origins, similar evolution
2. Comparative Anatomy: comparing different species bone structures to determine common ancestry Vestigial structures- body parts that have no function Homologous structures- different function, same structure Analogous structures- same function, different structure
Vestigial structures: Body parts that seems to serve no purpose/function Indicate common ancestry Example: Appendix, wisdom teeth Picture of evolution from the feet. Students should COPY this slide. BRIEFLY go over what is written A good strategy to use is repetition. As students are writing, you are repeating the same statement and providing QUICK examples
Think and Talk: What do you see/notice? What will this grow into? Chimp Human Similarities in embryos prove common ancestor
3. Comparative Embryology: comparing embryos of different species to determine common ancestry Shows that there are shared patterns of development
Notebook Output (10min) Answer the following question in complete sentences: How does the evidence we have prove the theory of evolution—that we come from a common ancestor? Use the following vocabulary words: evidence, fossil record, theory
Group Mini Lab Follow the instructions in your packet 4 parts: don’t forget to FULLY answer all questions
End Mini Lab Expectations Follow instructions on the worksheet! Talk using scholar voices! Work with urgency! Stay in your group and do not move around the classroom! 20 minutes End
Lab Skeleton should look like this:
Independent Practice Expectations Answer the questions about embryos and vestigial structures Use your notes if you get stuck Work SILENTLY Raise your hand to ask a question Work with urgency! 10 minutes End
Exit Quiz Work SILENTLY and INDEPENDENTLY! 5 questions 7 minutes End
switch with a partner to grade! 3. B 4. A 5. D *Tally the total # of questions correct, write “___/5” at the top of their paper
Input Notes: Write what is in RED