A thinking and writing activity to get introduced to this course The Importance of Film A thinking and writing activity to get introduced to this course
A Few Quotes to Consider “Cinema should make you forget you are sitting in a theater.” (Roman Polanski, director) “Cinema can fill in the empty spaces of your life and your loneliness.” (Pedro Almodovar, writer, director, producer) “Every viewer is going to get a different interpretation. That's the thing about painting, photography, and cinema.” (David Lynch, director)
Respond to the Following Questions On page 13 of your film packet, respond to the following topics: What makes certain movies popular to the general public? What are specific types of films blockbusters while other films tend not to be very popular with the masses? Explain and give examples. Now discuss the following: In your opinion, what makes a quality movie? How do you evaluate what is a good film? Give specifics and examples to back up your argument. You may want to consider what others (movie critics, etc...) consider to be characteristics of a quality movie and then think about how you agree or disagree with them. For instance, when you see critics lists of the year’s best films (the Academy Awards, etc...) do you usually agree with the choices? Why or why not?